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SetReceiveEol(eol_sequence As String) As Void
Sets the EOL sequence when reading from the stream. The default EOL character is LF (ASCII value 10). If you need to set this value to a non-printing character, use the chr()
global function.
ReadByte() As Integer
Reads a single byte from the stream, blocking if necessary. If the EOF is reached or there is an error condition, then a value less than 0 is returned.
ReadByteIfAvailable() As Integer
Reads a single byte from the stream if one is available. If no bytes are available, it returns immediately. A return value less than 0 indicates either that the EOF has been reached or no byte is available.
Reads until it finds a complete end of the line sequence. If it fails to find the sequence within 4096 bytes, then it returns the 4096 bytes that are found. No data is discarded in this case.
ReadBlock(size As Integer) As String
Reads the specified number of bytes. The number is limited to 65536 bytes. In the event of an EOF or an error, fewer bytes than requested will be returned. Any null bytes in the file will mask any further bytes.
Seeks the specified offset. If the offset is beyond the end of the file, then the file will be extended upon the next write and any previously unoccupied space will be filled with null bytes.
SeekRelative(offset As Integer) As Void
Seeks to the specified offset relative to the current position. If the ultimate offset is beyond the end of the file, then the file will be extended as described in SeekAbsolute()
SeekToEnd() As Void