4.4-Customizing Zone Layouts

4.4-Customizing Zone Layouts



See this tutorial video for an overview of zone layouts. 

If the system zone templates do not meet your needs, you can manually edit the zone layout of your presentation. You can then save it as a user-defined template for use with future presentations. Once you have created a presentation project via File > New Presentation, click Layout (below the Edit tab) and customize the zones by doing any of the following:

  • Rename the zone – Enter a new name for the zone in the Name field.
  • Add a zone – Click Add zone. Enter a Zone name, select the Zone type, and then click OK.
  • Remove a zone – Click the zone and press the Delete key on your keyboard.
  • Change the position of a zone manually – Click and hold a zone. Then drag it to the desired position.
  • Change the position of a zone using coordinates – Enter the Position information. The X and Y values correspond to the horizontal and vertical position (in pixels) of the top-left corner of the zone. Using coordinates to specify the position allows for exact alignment with other zones.
  • Resize a zone manually – Click and hold one of the marks around the edge of a zone. Then drag it to create the desired zone size and shape.
  • Resize a zone using pixel values – Specify the Size information. The W and H values correspond to the width and height of the zone (in pixels).
  • Make zones equal in size – Press Ctrl and select the zones you want to resize. On the menu bar, click Format > Make same size and select a resize option.
  • Align multiple zones – Press Ctrl and select the zones you want to align. On the menu bar, click Format > Align and select an alignment option.
  • Center one or more zones – Select a single zone or press Ctrl and select the zones you want to center. On the menu bar, click Format > Center in form and select Horizontally or Vertically.


The preview image is always displayed as landscape. If you're creating a portrait-mode presentation, refer to the portrait image on the left to see a more accurate representation of the screen layout.

Layering Zones

You can place multiple zones in the same screen area and use transparency and z-ordering options to creating layering effects. For example, you can place a Ticker or Clock zone on top of a Video Only zone and then edit the transparency of the Ticker or Clock zone (in the Zone Properties) to control how much of the underlying video shows through.

There can be three layers (or "planes") in a multi-zone presentation. Each of these planes can be ordered in relation to the others:

  • Graphics Plane: This plane includes all Ticker, Clock, and Images zones (as well as the Video or Images zone if it's currently displaying an image). Note that the layering of graphics zones with respect to each other can be unpredictable, and may change if the player firmware is updated or some other presentation setting is changed.
  • Video Plane 1: This plane consists of a Video Only or Background Image zone (or a Video or Images zone if it's currently displaying video). The Background Image zone uses the video decoder to display an image, so it counts as a video plane.
  • Video Plane 2: This plane consists of a second Video Only or Video or Images zone (if it's displaying video).


If you want to place an image behind a graphics element, use a Background Image zone to display the image.

Use the following options to edit the layering of the three planes:

  • Video Position Z: (4K and XD models only): Edit the z-ordering of one video plane in relation to another.
    • Front: Places the zone in front of another Video Only zone or Video or Images zone.
    • Back: Places the zone behind another Video Only zone or Video or Images zone.
  • Graphics plane z position: Edit the z-ordering of the graphics plane in relation to the video plane(s).
    • Front: Places the graphics plane (including all Ticker, Clock and Images zones) in front the video plane(s).
    • Between: Places the graphics plane between two video planes. If there is only one video plane, the graphics plane will appear behind it.
    • Back: Places the graphics plane behind the video plane(s).

Saving the Zone Layout as a Template

Once you've created a zone layout, you can save it as a user-defined template. To save the layout as a template, click Save Template (in the lower-left portion of the screen). Enter a name for the template, and then click OK.

To use the customer template when creating a new presentation, click the View dropdown list in the upper-right corner of the Template window and elect User Defined Templates to view your templates.

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