4.4-RSS Feed and Static Text
4.4-RSS Feed and Static Text
Live Text state to display text over an image or video.
Ticker zones can be used to display dynamic text (RSS feeds) or static text feeds. You can also use a RSS Feeds
RSS feeds are updated each time the BrightSign player connects to the specified RSS URL. An RSS Feed state can display either Live Text Data or a third-party RSS feed. Follow these steps to add an RSS Feed to your presentation:
- Select a Ticker zone in your presentation.
- Click the RSS tab and drag the New RSS Feed icon onto the playlist.
- Select a Data Feed from the dropdown list.
- If you have not added the RSS feed to the presentation yet, click Add Data Feed. Do the following:
- Enter a Feed name.
- Under Feed Specification, select Url and enter the URL for the RSS feed.
- Under Data feed content usage, select Text.
- Click Validate to ensure the RSS URL is working correctly.
- Use the Update Interval dropdown menu to determine how often the player should check in with the BrightSign Network servers to update the Live Data Feed.
- Click OK to add the Data Feed to your presentation.
- Click OK.
Text Feeds
Text Feeds are static text files located on the local storage of the player. Follow these steps to add a Text Feed to your presentation:
- Create a .txt file (using Notepad or a similar program) that contains the text you wish to display.
- Insert a line break between each text item in the .txt file.
- Save the text file and place it in your Media Library folder.
- Select a Ticker zone in your presentation.
- Click the Text tab in the Media Library.
- Drag the text file into the playlist.