4.4-User Defined Events

4.4-User Defined Events


This feature allows you to save interactive events you use often so that you can access them more readily in the future. User Defined Events save both the event type and event parameters. For example, if you frequently use a 5 second Timeout event, you can create a User Defined Event with this specification. In the future, instead of having to set each Timeout event to 5 seconds, you can use your previously created User Defined Event.

Additionally, you can group multiple events into a User Defined Event. Any event within the User Defined Event will cause the desired transition. This will save you time by eliminating the need for defining multiple events that perform the same transition.

Creating and Editing User Defined Events

To create or edit a User Defined Event, select the user events tab under Media Library and click Manage. The Manage User Events window will open. This window contains a list of all previously created User Defined Events. Do any of the following:

  • Create a new User Defined Event: Click  Add User Event. When prompted, type a unique name for your User Defined Event. Click  Add Event and use the dropdown list to select an interactive event. Repeat for each event you want included in the User Defined Event. Click OK when you are finished.
  • Edit a User Defined Event: In the Manage User Events window, click the name of the User Defined Event you wish to edit. Make the desired changes in the User Event window.
  • Organize User Defined Events: Click the arrows to arrange the order of the list by moving a User Defined Event up or down.
  • Delete User Defined Events: Click the X beside a name in the list to delete a single User Defined Event, or click Delete All to erase the entire list.

Adding User Defined Events to your Playlist

To add a User Defined Event to your interactive playlist, select the User Events tab under Media Library. Drag the desired event icon from the list onto a state. In the Events window, specify the desired transition behavior. You can also add commands to a User Defined Event after it has been assigned to a state.

Importing and Exporting User Defined Events

You can import and export your User Defined Events. Since User Defined Events are created on a per-presentation basis, the import/export feature allows you to save your User Defined Events and transfer them to new presentations as needed.

To import or export, click File > Import User Events or File > Export User Events. If you are importing, browse to the location where the events definition XML file is stored. If you are exporting, browse to a location where you want to export all User Defined Events currently defined for your presentation.



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