4.4-Ticker Zones

4.4-Ticker Zones

Use the Zone Properties window of a Ticker zone to edit the following:

  • Number of lines: Set the number of text lines in the Ticker zone.
  • Time to display each line: Set how long each line displays in the Ticker zone (in seconds).
  • Rotation: Use the dropdown list to select the rotation of text in the Ticker zone.
  • Alignment: Use the dropdown list to set whether text is left aligned, right aligned, or centered in the Ticker zone.


If you’re using a right-to-left language (such as Hebrew or Arabic) in your ticker zone, the right/left alignment settings will be inverted. For example, setting a ticker zone with an Arabic RSS feed to “Right aligned” will actually align the text to the left side of the zone.

  • Text appearance: Specify how the text will appear on screen:
    • Animated: Text appears on screen from left to right (similar to a Teletype-style ticker).
    • Static Text: Lines of text appear without any animation.
    • Scrolling: Text scrolls across the screen (similar to a news or stock ticker). This option is only available for 4Kx42, XDx32, XDx30, and HDx22 models. If this option is selected, the Number of Lines parameter will be limited to 1 and the Time to Display Each Line parameter will have no effect. 


      The text can scroll from right to left, as well as left to right with firmware versions 6.1.37 and later: This scrolling direction depends on the language of the first text item used in the Ticker zone (e.g. Spanish text will set the ticker to right-to-left, while Arabic text will set the ticker to left-to-right). 

  • Scroll speed:(Scrolling text only) Use the slider to set the scroll speed to 100%, 200%, 300%, or 400% of normal.
  • Foreground text color: Click Choose to select a color for the text in the Ticker zone.
  • Background text color: Click Choose to select a color for the text background in the Ticker zone.
  • Transparency: Use the slider to set the transparency of the text-background color: 0% is fully opaque, while 100% is fully transparent.
  • Font: Click Browse to select a font for text in the Ticker zone. You can use any TrueType font. Click Reset to System Font to reset the font.


Click the Advanced arrow to reveal the following options:

  • Background bitmap: Click Browse to navigate to and select a file for a background image.
    • Stretch to Fit: Select Yes if you want to stretch the image to fill the zone. Otherwise, select No.
  • Safe text region: Define the dimensions of the text region in the zone. If this region is not defined, the text will be displayed to the edge of the zone.
    • X: The horizontal coordinate (in pixels) of the top-left corner of the safe text region.
    • Y: The vertical coordinate (in pixels) of the top-left corner of the safe text region.
    • Width: The width of the safe text region (in pixels).
    • Height: The height of the safe text region (in pixels).


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