4.5.5-Upgrade Installation

4.5.5-Upgrade Installation


To start the upgrade process, click on the BSNEE Upgrade Installer software. The installer will extract the necessary files and prompt you to continue. Click OK to begin.


The installer will check the following conditions:

  • Operating System version (OS)
  • .NET Framework version (4.0 or later)
  • .NET Framework features
  • WMI services activity status
  • IIS version (7.0 or later)
  • IIS services status
  • IIS components set up status (40 items total)
  • Microsoft Messages Queue set up status

Once the system check is finished, the installer will display a full list of components that are installed or that need to be installed. If an item does not pass the system check (as indicated by the Failed status), you can click the item to learn the reason for the failure and instructions for fixing the problem. After installing the missing component(s), click Re-Run to check the installation again.

Once all components meet the requirements for installation, you will be able to click Next to continue.

Customized Files

The installer will search for any customized WebUI files within the BSNEE installation. Once the list of customized files is populated, click Next. The customized files will be saved with .bak extensions and replaced with standard versions during the final installation step.

If you have any customized files, you will need to manually re-implement them after the installation process is complete.


Customized database schemata are not supported by the upgrade installer. Clicking Next will return an error message if your BSNEE install contains customized database schema.

Database Server

The Database Server step will only appear if you do not currently have access to the MS SQL Server where the BSNEE database is located. If this step does not appear after the Customized Files step, you can move on to the Backup Database step.

You can choose either Automatic Database Deployment or Manual Database Deployment:

  • Automatic Deployment: If you do not have authorization to modify the BSNEE database, you will need to enter valid SQL Server credentials.
  • Manual Deployment: If you select this option, the BSNEE upgrade installer will not modify the database, allowing you to upgrade BSNEE without needing permissions for the BSNEE database. However, you will need to update the database manually using an update script: Contact BrightSign support (support@brightsign.biz) to obtain this script.

Backup Database

Check the Backup Database box to enable automatic rollback of the BSNEE database in case the upgrade process fails during installation. If the upgrade installation process is completed successfully, you will not be able to use this option to recover the previous BSNEE install. You should leave this box checked unless you have other means for backing up the database.

The Backup Set and Destination fields are automatically populated using information from the MS SQL server. You can modify them if necessary:

  • Backup Set: Specify the Name of the backup file set.
  • Destination: Specify the destination path of the backup file set on the MS SQL server. You can specify a path on a remote MS SQL server as well.

Click Next to confirm the backup parameters you have chosen.

Bindings Configuration

The Base Domain Name must remain the same during the BSNEE upgrade process. Select each node to change the bindings for that node.

Node names are populated using the existing BSNEE configuration files. The node names are editable, but we do not recommend changing them unless it is absolutely necessary. If the name of the Device Handlers node is changed, all players connecting to the BSNEE instance will need to be set up again.

Check the Use HTTP and/or Use HTTPS boxes if you would like to enable these protocols for a node. You can also change the port numbers of each node. 


Changing the HTTP port or adding HTTPS binding for the Device Handlers node will require devices to be set up again to use HTTPS. 

If you plan on using HTTPS, you should use the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) to ensure that you have appropriate permissions for the private key of the certificate. By default, read access is required for the “IIS_IUSRS” group (for more information, see Pre-Installation > Persistent Root and Temporary Storage Folders in the BSNEE Installation Guide).

Click the Next button when you have completed the bindings configuration.

Network Options

Check the Enable Subscriptions Management box if you wish to maintain the subscription system for devices on your BSNEE instance. Unchecking this box will give all devices permanent Grace subscriptions and will disable all scheduler and UI functions associated with subscriptions. 

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