


This page outlines some of the steps you may need to take after installing BSNEE, depending on your configuration and needs.

Reconfiguring Certificates for “ApplicationService.svc”

You can follow these steps to reconfigure the certificate for the BSN API:

  1. Open the configuration file of the application services for editing. By default, this file is located at C:\inetpub\wwwroot\BSNEEWebServices\ApplicationService\v201407\ Web.config.
  2. Locate the following section in the file: configuration/system.serviceModel/ behaviors/serviceBehaviors/behavior[@name='BNM.WebServices.ApplicationServiceBehavior']/ serviceCredentials/serviceCertificate
  3. Specify the values of the certificate for the following attributes:
    1. storeName: This contains the value My by default. You can change the value to another valid certificate store if needed.
    2. findValue: This contains the Subject Distinguished Name of the certificate by default. You can change the search criteria to another valid value if needed. You can browse a list of certificates by navigating to Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Management > Server Certificates. Double-clicking on a certificate allows you to view it in more detail. The following is an example: <serviceCertificate storeLocation="LocalMachine" storeName="My" x509FindType="FindBySubjectDistinguishedName" findValue="E=system@example.com CN=*.example.com C=US" />
  4. Set a Service Identity that matches the CN of the certificate. Locate the following section and change the value attribute: configuration/system.serviceModel/services/service[@name=

Configuring Persistent Root and Temporary Storage

To configure the Persistent Storage for BSNEE, complete the following steps:

  1. Set up an additional IIS site (if you don’t already have a storage site) with the following parameters:
    1. A URL specified for persistent storage
    2. A working directory pointed at the root of the persistent storage folder (consult the IIS documentation for details)
    3. Changed physical-path credentials (this applies only for persistent storage located on another server):
      1. Click Connect as… on the Add Web Site dialog.
      2. Choose the Specific user option and specify the credentials of the domain user who has full access to the specified physical path of the site.

Verifying a Successful Installation

Once the installation is complete, you need to create a new BrightSign Network account. You can ensure that BSNEE is installed correctly by adding files to your BSN library using a new account:

  1. In a web browser, navigate to the login page using the URL specified during Step 4 of the installation process.
  2. Log in using the System Admin credentials you specified in Step 7 of the installation process.
  3. Create a new BrightSign Network account. You must provide an Account Name and Account Email.
    1. Non-LDAP mode: The password for the account will be generated automatically.
    2. LDAP mode: The password for the account will be the same as the LDAP (Active Directory) password for the specified user.
  4. Add files to your library using one of the following methods:
    1. Log in to the BrightSign Network WebUI using your newly created account. Upload one or more image/video/audio files to the Library.
    2. Open BrightAuthor and log in to the BrightSign Network using your newly created account. Create or open a presentation that has one or more media file. Click the Upload to Network button located on the upper-right portion of the screen.
  5. In the WebUI, create setup files in the Device Setup tab and apply them to a player. Make sure the player connects to your BSNEE implementation and is visible in the Current Usage and Groups tabs.
  6. Publish one or more presentations to the Group containing the player.
  7. Ensure the player downloads and plays the presentation successfully.

Customizing Notification Emails

Once BSNEE is installed, you can customize the notification Emails sent to account administrators and users. You can find Email templates in two locations (note that these are the default locations):

  1. Website: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\BSNEEWebSite\App_Data\MailTemplates\en-US
  2. Scheduler service: C:\BSNEEWinServices\BSNEEScheduler
    • SC3
    • SC4
    • SC6
    • SC7

The text of the .xml template files can be modified as needed, but variable names and tags within the template should not be changed. Also, removing or renaming any template files may cause the system to behave unexpectedly. 


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