LDWS API Storage Endpoints


GET /v1/files/:path/ 

Lists directories and files in the requested path.


  • :path string: The path to the directories or files

Query String Parameter

  • raw optional: If the path is for a storage device, this will return its raw contents. For example, the request below would be GET /api/v1/files/sd/?raw

Request Example

The example request parameters and headers are set as follows:

  • :path is set to /sd/autorun.brs/

    GET /api/v1/files/sd/autorun.brs/ HTTP/1.1 Host: {{playerIP}} Authorization: {{DigestAuth}} Accept: application/json

Response Body

This method returns the metadata for a directory or file (assuming the raw query string parameter is not set):

  • name string: Name of the directory or file

  • type string: Either a directory or file

  • path string: The path, for example, "sd"

  • mime string: mime type (available only for type "file")

  • stat object: Directory stats from the "fs" module

  • fileSize int: The size of the filesystem

  • streamable bool: This is always true for files. If the path is a directory, this is not returned

Response Example

{ "data": { "result": { "name": "sd/autorun.brs", "type": "file", "path": "sd/autorun.brs", "mime": "application/octet-stream", "stat": { "dev": 45921, "mode": 33277, "nlink": 1, "uid": 0, "gid": 1003, "rdev": 0, "blksize": 32768, "ino": 40, "size": 1144340, "blocks": 2240, "atimeMs": 1699401600000, "mtimeMs": 1699423824000, "ctimeMs": 1699423824440, "birthtimeMs": 0, "atime": "2023-11-08T00:00:00.000Z", "mtime": "2023-11-08T06:10:24.000Z", "ctime": "2023-11-08T06:10:24.440Z", "birthtime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z" }, "fileSize": 1144340, "streamable": true } } }


POST /v1/files/:path/ 

Renames a file in the path (which should include the file name).


  • :path string: The path to a file

Request Body

  • name string: The new file name

Request Example

The example request parameters and headers are set as follows:

  • :path is set to /sd/test.txt/

POST /api/v1/files/sd/test.txt/ HTTP/1.1 Host: {{playerIP}} Authorization: {{DigestAuth}} Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: 21

This is the example request body:


The player will return a 200 success or 404 or 500 error message.

Success Response Body


PUT /v1/files/:path/ 

Uploads files or creates directories. The request body needs to be of type multipart/form-data (see RFC 7578). If you add one or more parameters of type file (the name of the parameter does not matter), it will upload the selected file(s). 

To create a directory, remove the form-data from the body, and add the directory as the URL parameter, :path. See the example below.


  • :path string: The path is the folder in which you want to upload the file.

Request Body

  • files object[]:

    • fileName string: The name of the file

    • fileContents string: The content of the file. It can be provided as plain text or as Data URL.

    • fileType string: Mime type

Request Example (File)

The example request parameters and headers are set as follows:

  • path is set to sd

Response Body

  • success bool: A flag that indicates if the operation succeeded or not

  • results string[]: The names of the files that were successfully created

Response Example (Plain Text File)

Request Example (Folder)

Response Example (Folder)


DELETE /v1/files/:path/ 

Removes a file or directory


  • :path string: The path to the file or directory

Request Example

The example request parameters and headers are set as follows:

  • :path is set to sd/test.txt


The player will return a 200 success or 404 or 500 error message.

Success Response Body