


This object is returned by the GetServces() and GetService() methods on the roUPnPDevice object.


Invoke(actionName As String, params As Object) As Integer

Invokes an action asynchronously on the UPnP service. This method returns a transaction ID that can be used to match it against the associated roUPnPActionResult instance.

Subscribe() As Integer

Subscribes to events on the UPnP service asynchronously.

RenewSubscription() As Integer

Resubscribes to events on the UPnP service asynchronously. This method should only be called after calling Subscribe().

GetSID() As String

Returns the subscription ID. This method should only be called after calling Subscribe().

GetTimeout() As Integer

Returns the service timeout period. This method should only be called after calling Subscribe().


SetPort(port As roMessagePort)

Specifies the port that will receive events generated by the roUPnPService instance.


SetUserData(user_data As Object)

Sets the user data that will be returned when events are raised.

GetUserData() As Object

Returns the user data that has previously been set via SetUserData(). It will return Invalid if no data has been set.