

The Presentation tab has a dropdown with the following options:

  • New Presentation: see New Presentation for more information about building a new presentation 

  • Import Presentation: see Import Presentation for more information about importing presentations

  • Recent Presentations: allows you to select a presentation from a recent presentation

  • All Presentations: lets you select a presentation from the existing presentations in your network

New Presentation

To create a new presentation, select New Presentation or the New Presentation icon in the Recent Presentations, or the New Presentation screen. For a visual reference, see the accompanying tutorial video for a step-by step guide to building a new presentation.


Series 5 Players with Multiple Outputs

If you select an XC5 or XT5 player, you will see the following screen and a Screens tab (the additional options have been moved to the Screens tab):

For information about how to create a multi-screen presentation on XC5 players, see .


Other Players

If you select a single output Series 5 player, or Series 4 or older players, you will see the following screen: 

  1. Select Template: Select a pre-made zone layout for your presentation. You can modify the zone layout later when editing the presentation.

    1. Single Zone: A single image, video, Node.js application, or HTML page occupies the screen at any time.

      • Playlist: Videos and images are displayed in a playlist

      • HTML: A single HTML page is displayed

      • Video In: Video from the HDMI® input is displayed (available on XTx44, XTx43, and 4Kx42 players only).

      • Video Stream: Video from a remote streaming source is displayed

      • Node.js application: A Node.js application is added to the presentation as “Support Content" and can be added, updated, removed later, through “Support Content“.  See Presentation Settings | PresentationSettings-Node.js

    2. Multi-Zone: Multiple media items (images, videos, text) are displayed simultaneously.

      • Two Zone Horizontal: A playlist of videos and images is displayed with a text ticker beneath.

      • Two Zone Vertical: A playlist of videos and images is displayed on the left, while a playlist of images occupies the right side of the screen.

      • Three Zone: A playlist of videos and images occupies the left side of the screen, a playlist of images occupies the right side, and a text ticker occupies the bottom.

  2. Preview: View a preview of the zone layout (green indicates a Video or Image zone, Blue an Image zone, and yellow a Ticker zone).

  3. Name: Enter a name for the presentation.

  4. Destination (Local Content mode only): Choose a location to save the presentation project file on your local machine.

  5. HTML Presentation (HTML template only): Specify a HTML site to display on screen. 

    • URL: Specify the URL for the HTML page to display.

    • Local Content: Browse your local machine to locate the .html file that you wish to display.

  6. Video Stream URL (Video Stream template only): Specify the streaming video URL to display on screen.

  7. Target Device: Select the target player model for the presentation. This will determine the available video resolutions, zone types, widgets, and events in the presentation.

  8. Connector: Select the connector type that connects the player to the display.

  9. Target Resolution: Choose a resolution that is compatible with your monitor. See this page for a list of all available video modes.

  10. Target Frame Rate: Choose a frame rate that is compatible with your monitor.

  11. Orientation: Select a monitor orientation for your presentation: 

    • Landscape: Content is not rotated.

    • Portrait – Bottom Left: Content is rotated counter-clockwise 90 degrees. Select this option if the bottom of the monitor is on the left when it is portrait oriented.

    • Portrait – Bottom Right: Content is rotated clockwise 90 degrees. Select this option if the bottom of the monitor is on the right when it is portrait oriented.

  12. Start: Go to the playlist/layout editing screen.

Presentation Builder Overview


  1. Storage Selector: Switch between using Local Content and Content (see this page for more details). Since a presentation cannot mix storage types, toggling this option requires that you exit your current presentation.

  2. Library / Tree View: The Library is sourced from either your network or local machine, depending on the setting of the Storage Selector. If you need to add media to your network, select the dropdown next to the Content tab and select Upload New Media. 

     Tree View (know as Presentation in BrightAuthor:connected version 1.16 and below) allows you to quickly view and search through a presentation by displaying it as a set of expandable/collapsible zones, states, events, and commands. See Presentation Tree View for more information.

  3. Layout / Content: Select Layout to change the presentation layout and edit zone properties; select Content to edit the playlist of a zone. Series 5 players will also display a Screens tab in this location. See Multiscreen Video Playback for information about how to set up a multiscreen presentation using the Screens tab.

  4. Project Name: The name of the presentation project. A  icon indicates that the presentation uses content, while a  icon indicates that the presentation content is stored locally.

  5. Save: Select the  icon to save the presentation project (either locally or on your network) or select Save As from the file drop down menu.

  6. Upload: Select the  icon to upload a locally created presentation to

  7. Publish: Select the  icon to publish the presentation to BrightSign player(s).

  8. Navigator: Use this pane to add, delete, and layer zones. See below for more details.

  9. Presentation Settings: Modify various settings that apply to the entire presentation. See Presentation Settings for more details.

  10. Zone Properties (Layout tab only): Modify settings associated with a selected zone. See Zone Properties for a description of each zone type.

  11. State Properties (Content tab only): Modify settings associated with a selected state. See State Properties for a description of each state.

Editing the Presentation Layout

In the Layout tab, select a zone to edit it. You can drag the edges to resize the zone manually. You can also press the Delete key to delete the selected zone.

The Zone Properties tab on the right allows you to set exact Size and Position values for a zone. You can also configure various properties related to the zone. See the Zone Properties page for more details.

The Zones pane organizes visible zones into three layers


  • Graphics: This layer includes all Ticker, Clock, Video or Images, and Images zones.

  • Video 1: This layer contains a Video Only, Video or Images, or Background Image zone.

  • Video 2: This layer contains a second Video Only or Video or Images zone. The Video 2 layer is only supported on player models with multiple video decoders: XTx44, XDx34, XTx43, XDx33, and 4Kx42

Use the  icon to change the display order of the three layers (the higher layer is displayed in front of the lower layer(s)).

Because a Video or Image zone can display either graphics or video, it belongs to both the graphics layer and one of the video layers. The Video or Image zone will switch between those two layers depending on the type of media being displayed.


The display order of graphics zones within the Graphics layer can be unpredictable, and may change if the player OS is updated or other presentation settings are changed. To ensure one image is displayed behind other graphics elements, place a Background Image zone in a video layer behind the graphics layer.

Building a Non-Interactive Playlist

A non-interactive playlist displays media in a looping playlist. Click the Content tab (or double-click a zone) to begin editing a non-interactive playlist.

To add content to the playlist, drag items from the Assets or Widgets pane into the playlist area above. To align the elements in your playlist area, right-click on the background grid to bring up the Snap to grid checkbox option. You can also adjust the spacing of the grid by selecting Grid Spacing. Use the arrows in the pop up to adjust the spacing.

Transitions occur automatically at the end of audio and video files, but you can configure the display duration of image and HTML files by selecting theicon after an image/HTML file to modify its display duration.


  1. Library: Select a folder containing media files or components that you wish to add to the presentation playlist. The Library is sourced from either your network or local machine, depending on the setting of the Storage Selector. If you need to add media to your network, click the Content tab and select Upload New Media. 

  2. Assets / Widgets: Switch between adding media files (Assets) and other presentation states (Widgets). See State Properties  for more details about various widgets.

  3. Select All / Clear Selection: Select/unselect all media files in a folder. You can select multiple files:

    • Select a series of adjacent media files – Hold the Shift key as you select the files in the Media Library.

    • Select a group of non-adjacent files – Hold the Ctrl key as you select the files in the Media Library.

  4. Search: Enter text in the search field to search the folder for a filename

  5. Sort: Use the dropdown list to select a sort criteria. Use the  icon to toggle between ascending and descending order.

  6. Refresh: Select the icon to query the contents of the folder again.

  7. Resize: Use the dropdown menu to change the size of the media thumbnails in the Assets pane.

  8. Playlist: Drag media or widgets into this area to add them to the playlist. Once an item is added, you can also drag it  to a different position in the playlist. To delete an item or state from the playlist, hover your cursor over it and click the "X" that appears in the top right corner of the object.

9. Presentation and Zone: The name of the presentation project and the zone that the playlist belongs to. If your presentation has multiple zones, switch between zone playlists in the Navigator pane.

10. Interactive Toggle: Use this toggle button to convert a non-interactive playlist to an interactive playlist. 

11. Navigator: Switch between zone playlists in a multi-zone presentation, or use the navigator to define the layering of overlapping zones.

12. State Properties: Edit the properties of media items and widgets. See State Properties to learn more about different state properties.

Building an Interactive Playlist

Unlike non-interactive playlists, which loop endlessly, interactive playlists transition to new media by responding to events, such as input from a GPIO button or touchscreen. To make a presentation interactive, click the Interactive toggle in the top-right of the playlist.

You can convert a non-interactive playlist to an interactive one. However, once you add events in interactive mode, you will no longer be able to convert it back to a non-interactive playlist.

Choosing a Home Screen

The Home Screen is the first media file or widget in an interactive playlist. It is where the interactive playlist begins. 

By default, the first media file or widget you drag into an interactive playlist will become the Home Screen, identified by theHome icon. You can change the Home Screen at any time by selecting a state in the playlist and checking the Initial State box in the State Properties pane.

Defining Interactive Events

Interactive events link states in the playlist and determine what must occur before one state transitions to another. Follow these steps to define an event:

  1. Select an event icon in the Event Toolbar. 

  2. Click (and hold) the state name below the thumbnail image of the current state.

  3. Drag the pointer to the thumbnail of the state you want to play next.

Alternatively, you can select an event and click the state name. This will add the event to the state, but will not define the transition target. You can then set the target state in the Event Properties > Target State pane. This is useful if you haven't added all states to the playlist yet or if the presentation is too complex to easily drag the mouse cursor between states.

Event Inputs

Most events are triggered by a specific input that you need to define. A red dot on an event indicates that it is missing the required input.

Select an event to view the Event Properties pane on the right. See the Event Properties page for more information on defining interactive triggers for different events.

Import Presentation

Import Presentation lets you import BrightAuthor Classic presentations in Local Content mode. Alternatively, you can do this via File > Import… In bsn.Content mode, Import Presentation can also import presentations from a BrightSign Network (not account.Â