Commands and Conditional Targets

Conditional Targets and Commands are advanced features for interactive playlists. Conditional Targets are available for events, while Commands can be added to both events and states.

Click the Advanced button in the State Properties or Event Properties pane to add or edit Conditional Targets and Commands.

Conditional Targets

Conditional Targets allow you to change the behavior of an event transition depending on the value of a User Variable. You can set multiple Conditional Targets for a single event, and you can specify new commands to occur when the Conditional Target is met. With this feature, you can change the behavior of a presentation based on a wide array of interactive and networked conditions.

  1. Add Conditional Target: Click this button to add a Conditional Target to an event.

  2. Variable: Select the User Variable that will trigger the Conditional Target.

  3. Operator: Select the conditional operator that will compare the current value of the variable against the value set in the field to the right. The Target state and Commands defined below will only occur when the entire statement—the variable, the operator, and the target value—is true. 

  4. Value: The value that the User Variable value will be compared against.


  5. Target State: Select the transition behavior that will occur if the Conditional Target is met.

  6. Command: Add commands that will be executed if the Conditional Target is met.


Commands allow you to add extended functionality to your presentations. Commands can help you control displays and devices (Display On, GPIO On, etc.) or perform additional actions when interactive events are performed (Pause Video, Set Volume, etc.).

You can add commands to interactive events or to states. If you add a command to an interactive event, the command will be performed when that event occurs. If you want to add a command to a state, you will need to choose between an Entry Command (executed upon entering the state) or an Exit Command (executed upon leaving the state). Some commands (such as Switch Presentation) can only be added to interactive events.

See the following pages for information about each command: