Set Panel Output


This section has an accompanying tutorial video:

Configures the LED output of an attached USB device (BP200, BP900, or BLC400)

If you're connecting a single BP/BLC device to a player, use the "A" version of the device (e.g. "BP900A"). If you plan to connect multiple BP/BLC devices to a player, see here to learn more about using the A, B, C enumerations.


  • Button number: Select a single button LED to affect, or select All to affect all button LEDs on the board.

  • Action: Select one of the following actions:

    • Off: Disables an output that was previously set on the button LED(s). This action does not disable the default lighting effect that occurs when a button is pressed.

    • On: Displays a solid pattern.

    • Fast Blink: Displays a quick flashing pattern.

    • Medium Blink: Displays a moderate flashing pattern.

    • Slow Blink: Displays a slow flashing pattern.


You cannot use multiple BLC commands to simultaneously trigger multiple LED patterns (e.g. a breathe effect on channel A and a marquee effect on channel B). BLC commands that belong to the same event/state will trigger in descending order at slightly offset intervals.

  • Intensity: Triggers each channel at the specified intensity. Specifying a Time of zero causes the channel(s) to reach that intensity immediately, while a non-zero value causes them to ramp up over the specified interval.


To turn off a channel, set the Intensity to zero.

  • Blink: Triggers each channel at a Fast, Medium, or Slow speed.

  • Breathe: Causes a channel to ramp up from the specified Min to the specified Max intensity over the specified Time interval. The channel(s) will then ramp down to the specified Min over the same Time interval.

  • Strobe: Triggers each channel in short bursts at maximum intensity. The Time parameter specifies how frequently the channel(s) will trigger; values greater than 1000ms will default to 1000ms. 

  • Marquee: Triggers each channel in succession. You will need to specify the marquee type:

    • Loop: Cycles through the channels (A B C D) continuously.

    • Back and forth: Cycles from A to D to A (A B C D C B A) continuously.

    • Play once: Performs a singe cycle through the channels (A B C D).

    • Random: Cycles through the channels in continuous random order (e.g. C A D B A D C B D B C A).

  • You will also need to specify the pattern timing for marquee effects:

    • Hard on/off: Channels can only be off or at full brightness, without transitions. The On time specifies how long each channel remains at full brightness, while the Off time specifies the interval between one channel turning off and the next turning on. 

    • Smooth delay: After completing its On time, a channel will decrease in brightness until it turns off completely. Then, once the Off time has transpired, the next channel will increase in brightness to full intensity.

    • Smooth full overlap: The current channel decreases in brightness only when the next channel has reached full brightness.

    • Smooth partial overlap: The current channel decreases in brightness while the next channel simultaneously increases in brightness (i.e. the rate of increase and decrease are inversely proportional).