Player General FAQ


What happens if a player loses its network connection or power?

If the player loses the network connection, it will attempt to reconnect until the connection is re-established. If a player loses connection while a presentation is displayed, it will continue to display the presentation until new content is downloaded. If a player is downloading content when the connection is lost, it will resume downloading once the connection is re-established.

When using BrightAuthor:connected the player's status is accessible in the Network tab. The player's status is displayed to the immediate left of the Player ID in All Devices, or within the group where the device is assigned to. Player status is only available for devices connected to the internet.

If a player loses power, it will automatically start playing your content, presentation, or custom script when it powers up again. If there is a presentation script (autorun.brs) on a storage device, the unit will start the presentation from the beginning. If there is no presentation script present on the storage device(s), a unit will play alphabetically any content it finds in the root of the storage.

Do BrightSign players support IPv6?

BrightSign players support both IPv4 and IPv6. To use IPv6, players must be running BOS 6.0.x or newer. There is no need to configure the player for IPv6 since it will be selected automatically when the player connects to a network. Note that:

  • The BrightSign Network is not yet available via IPv6.

  • Network interfaces on the player automatically assign themselves a link-local IPv6 address.

  • SLAAC (automatic routable IPv6 address allocation) is supported if a router sends router advertisements.

  • Players support RDNSS and DNSSL for DNS configuration from router advertisements.

  • Players support DHCPv6 in combination with router advertisements.

What is the revision (rev) of my player?

BrightSign players go through a number of revisions ("revs") during the hardware production lifecycle. Revs are lettered starting with A (for example, "rev A", "rev B", "rev C", etc.).

The player hardware rev is the third character in the serial number, which is on the label located on the bottom of the player. For example, the serial number "33H769000122" is rev H of that player model.

Can I play a presentation from an NTFS formatted card?

Formatting your SD card using NTFS allows you to play files that are larger than 4GB in size, but the player will not be able to receive network updates or generate logs. In other words, BrightSign players can read from NTFS formatted cards, but cannot write to them.

For Series 5, 4, and 3 players, we recommend using the exFAT filesystem (which requires firmware version 6.2.94 or later). This allows you to play files larger than 4GB without restrictions on writing to the card.

If you are using an earlier player model and are publishing via, Web Folder, or Local Network, you need to format your SD card using FAT32.

The GPIO status at boot is set to high. Can it be changed to low?

Currently the GPIO status is set to high and there is no setting for GPIO status at boot time. Hardware is the best solution to prevent the GPIO high signal at boot-up. You can use a hardware device such as a relay board that is designed not trigger the relay at boot-up, such as the HMS Electronics BS-4X4R-REV2 or BS-4X4-HC.

Is my BrightSign player 32-bit or 64-bit?

Do BrightSign players support security protocols for HLS streaming?

How do I calculate the broadcast address?

Do BrightSign players support 3D video?

Do BrightSign players support FTP?

Do BrightSign players support serial control?

Do BrightSign players support storage hot swapping?