This object allows you to emulate USB HID devices.
Enable() As Boolean
Enables the HID device. This method returns true
on success. If there's a failure, use GetFailureReason()
to learn the reason for the failure.
KeyDown(a As Integer) As Boolean
Sends a key up event for the specified USB key code. This method returns true
on success.
USB keyboards only have 6-key rollover, therefore only six keys can be down at one time.
KeyUp(a As Integer) As Boolean
Sends a key up event for the specified USB key code. This function returns true
on success, and returns fails
on failure (e.g. if the specified key was not already down).
KeyPress(a As Integer) As Boolean
Equivalent to KeyDown(key code)
followed by KeyUp(key code)
. Helps avoid leaving keys stuck down.
Clear() As Boolean
Clears all active keystrokes and modifiers.
GetModifierState() As Object
Returns an associative array with the current state of all modifiers (i.e. shift, alt, ctrl).
SetModifierState(a As Object) As Boolean
Sets the current modifier state as specified by an associative array using the format returned by GetModifierState(). Only modifiers that are listed will cause the state to change. Modifiers will persis until changed, or Clear() is called.
hidkey.SetModifierState({ LeftShift : true });
GetLedState() As Object
Returns an associative array with the current state of all LED states on the keyboard. When a lock key is pressed, the host may send an LED state change. That will cause an event of type roUsbHidLedEmulator to be generated. This method is a way to get the current state without using an event.
GetFailureReason() As String
Returns add