4.6-Super State
4.6-Super State
The primary mechanic of the Super State is that it functions as both a state and a self-contained interactive playlist. A Super State can be transitioned into and out of using any event, but clicking on it will reveal a new interactive playlist canvas contained within the original. There are several behaviors that are unique to this state:
- Each Super State contains a Home State: A transition to a Super State will point to the initial state within the Super State by default. However, you can point the transition to any other state within the Super State by opening the event and selecting the desired state from the Specify next state dropdown menu.
- Super States can be nested inside other Super States: You can use the breadcrumb trail above the playlist area to keep track of where you are within the hierarchy of Super States.
- Super States can have Entry and Exit Commands: Entry Commands are triggered when any state within the Super State is transitioned to. If a Super State is contained within one or more other Super States, a transition to or from that Super State will trigger Entry/Exit commands on all other Super States that will need to be moved through for the transition to reach its destination. Commands will be executed in sequential order, depending on whether the transition is ascending or descending through a hierarchy of Super States.
- You can copy, paste, export, and import Super States: All events, states, commands, and other Super States contained within the Super State will be copied over as well.
, multiple selections available,
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