Object Creation: roVideoInput is created with no parameters:
GetStandards() As roArray
GetInputs() As roArray
These return an array of strings describing the various inputs and video standards that the video capture device supports. The following are the possible standards that can be returned: PAL-D/K, PAL-G, PAL-H, PAL-I, PAL-D, PAL-D1, PAL-K, PAL-M, PAL-N, PAL-Nc, PAL-60, SECAM-B/G, ECAM-B, SECAM-D, SECAM-G, SECAM-H, SECAM-K, SECAM-K1, SECAM-L, SECAM-LC, SECAM-D/K, NTSC-M, NTSC-Mj, NTSC-443, NTSC-Mk, PAL-B and PAL-B1. Inputs returned are s-video and composite.
SetStandard(standard As String) As Boolean
GetCurrentStandard() As String
SetInput(input As String) As Boolean
GetCurrentInput() As String
Use the above to get and set the input and video standard.
GetControls() As roArray
Returns the possible controls on the input. These include "Brightness," "Contrast," "Saturation," "Hue," and others.
SetControlValue(control_name As String, value As Integer) As Boolean
Sets the value of the specified control.
GetCurrentControlValue(control_name As String) As roAssociativeArray
Returns an associative array with 3 members: "Value," "Minimum," and "Maximum." "Value" is the current value, and the possible range is specified by "Minimum" and "Maximum."
GetFormats() As Object
SetFormat(a As String, b As Integer, c As Integer) As Boolean
GetCurrentFormat() As String
This script uses the HDMI Input as the video source to create a full-screen display.
v = CreateObject("roVideoPlayer") i = CreateObject("roVideoInput") p = CreateObject("roMessagePort") vm = CreateObject("roVideoMode") vm.SetMode("1920x1080x60p") r = CreateObject("roRectangle", 0, 0, 1920, 1080) v.SetRectangle(r) v.PlayFile(i)
This script uses the video capture dongle as the video source to create a full-screen display.
v=CreateObject("roVideoPlayer") i=CreateObject("roVideoInput") p=CreateObject("roMessagePort") vm=CreateObject("roVideoMode") vm.SetMode("1280x720x60p") r = CreateObject("roRectangle", 0, 0, 1280, 720) v.SetRectangle(r) i.SetInput("s-video") i.SetStandard("ntsc-m") v.PlayFile(i)