Operations Endpoint (2020/10)

Operations Endpoint (2020/10)

This resource represents the business operations tree and operations permissions in a given network.

Base URL for this endpoint:  https://api.bsn.cloud/2020/10/REST/Operations


GET /Root/{*path}/ 

Returns a list of operations.

Required Scope Token




path string

This optional parameter lets you request a subset rather than the entire business operations tree. It is populated by operation names based on the complete tree. For example, you could request /Operations/Root/User/ to get only user-related business operations.



Success Response Body

200: Returns the Business Operations Entity which includes operational permissions


300: The requested representation could not be returned because it is ambiguous (there are multiple requested representations)

400: The request is malformed and therefore invalid

401: The access token is invalid or not specified

403: The supplied access token, though valid, doesn't provide access to this method 

404: The server cannot find the requested resource (the path does not exist)

406: The server cannot return the data representation that you requested (as specified in the "Accept" header)

5XX: Any 500 code is an internal server error