LDWS API Advanced Endpoints


GET /v1/system/supervisor/logging/ 

Returns the current logging level on the player. The default value is info.

Request Example

GET /api/v1/system/supervisor/logging/ HTTP/1.1 Host: {{playerIP}} Authorization: {{DigestAuth}}

Response Body

  • status is the HTTP response code

  • level is the logging level on the player. The higher the number, the more detail is offered.

  • name is the name of the logging level (trace, info, error, or warn)

Response Example

{ "data": { "result": { "status": 200, "level": "2", "name": "info" } } }


PUT /v1/system/supervisor/logging/ 

Sets the logging level on the player.

Request Body

  • level int: The integer values correspond to the logging levels:

    • 3: Trace

    • 2: Info

    • 1: Warn

    • 0: Error

Request Example

PUT /api/v1/system/supervisor/logging/ HTTP/1.1 Host: {{playerIP}} Authorization: {{DigestAuth}}

This is the example request body:

Response Example