Create and Import a Table for a BrightAuthor Play File
You can export Play File tables directly from a Play File state, or imported into a Play File state. Play Files can only include files of the same type (videos, images, or audio); do not include a combination of different media file types in a Play File table.
See the Excel files attached to this FAQ for examples.
Creating a Play File Table
Play File tables can be created in either a plain text editor or Excel.
Text Editor
In a plain text editor such as Notepad or TextEdit, enter the following information for each file to add to your Play File list. There must be no spaces in the list, and each file must be on its own line like this: "key,filePath,fileName,videoDisplayMode,label,showInApp":
key: Specify the key for the file.
filePath: Specify the file directory path for the media file.
fileName: Specify the name of the file (including the extension).
videoDisplayMode: Specify "2D" if the file is a 2D video, image, or audio file. If you are displaying 3D video, specify "3D side-by-side" or "3D top-over-bottom".
label: Specify the label for the media file.
showInApp: Specify "True" if you want the media file to be selectable in the BrightSign App. Otherwise, specify "False".
When all files are entered, save the file as CSV by appending ".csv" to the end of the filename.
Once the file is saved, close the file in the text editor.
2D video file: 222,C:\BrightSign Content,spain_1280x720.mp4,2D,Spain,True
3D video file: 444,C:\BrightSign Content,,3D side-by-side,Earth,True
In the Excel columns, enter the following information:
In column A, enter the keys for all of your files, one key per row.
In column B, enter the File Path of all your files, one File Path per row.
In column C, enter the File Name of all your files, one File Name per row.
In column D, enter "2D" if the file is a 2D video, image, or audio file. If you are displaying 3D video, specify "3D side-by-side" or "3D top-over-bottom".
In column E, enter the label for the media file.
In column F, enter "True" if you want the media file to be selectable in the BrightSign App. Otherwise, enter "False".
In Excel save the file as *.csv (Comma Delimited).
Once the file is saved, close the Excel file.
Add the Play File Table in BrightAuthor
In BrightAuthor, double-click your Play File state (or create a new one).
Click Import Table and browse to the CSV file that you created in above.
The Files section should now be populated with the table items, as shown in the image below:
CSV Table Examples