HTML Authoring Resources
There are a large number of online resources—including tutorials, samples, templates, and widgets—available to help you get started creating content with HTML5. The HTML5 standard offers huge advantages to web developers, including digital signage authors. The following websites are great places to learn how to create pages using HTML5:
WordPress is an excellent HTML5 resource that provides an intuitive approach to creating digital signage. Here are some of the benefits of using the WordPress architecture:
WordPress offers advanced HTML5 support, with premade widgets ranging from weather to e-commerce. The system also supports advanced HTML5 options using CSS3 features. The site also provides HTML5 widgets.
You can either run WordPress from the website or install a WordPress instance on your own servers.
WordPress has an ecosystem of template creators that offer sophisticated templates for a wide range of industries: Template creators include the following:
HTML5 Authoring
These are some of the common HTML5 authoring applications:
Adobe CS Tools: Dreamweaver, Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop
Aptana Studio
CoffeeCup Software