BrightAuthor:connected (Latest)
BrightAuthor:connected supports the following languages: Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Turkish.
The desired language can be selected from within the app.
1.55.1 (Feb 17, 2025)
Download: Mac (.dmg), Win (.exe)
BCN-16683: Added new elements to the DWS to support the display products with BrightSign built-in.
BCN-17050: Add support for notes on the player properties.
BCN-17294: Modified the layout of the DWS' OS update section to improve readability.
BCN-17344: Added DWS support for storage encryption.
BCN-17363: Made the network list wider to better accommodate long network names.
BCN-17437: Added a link for the BSN.Cloud status page ( to the message informing users of the BSN and BSN.Cloud maintenance window.
BCN-17611: Implemented a cookie consent banner for anonymized data collection.
BCN-17661: Based on customer feedback, navigation menus now only open when clicked as opposed to when hovered over.
Bug Fixes
BCN-16093: When creating a Setup with a Web Folder Publishing Mode, the "Allow Basic Authentication" text was truncated. This has been fixed so that the entire message is visible.
BCN-17213: Fixed an issue where all the date boxes in the calendar under Schedule were blank instead of showing the dates.
BCN-17316: Fixed an issue where the player activation URL BSN.Cloud - Effortlessly manage your BrightSign network or does not properly redirect to the player activation page.
BCN-17317: Fixed an issue where the player status filters were not working properly in the Network tab.
BCN-17251: Fixed an issue where signing out of the app would cause certain user preferences, specifically the visible columns in the Network tab, to return to their defaults.
BCN-17363: Fixed an issue where the network pulldown list would truncate the text of networks with longer names.
BCN-17463: Changed the Display tab in the DWS to always allow display firmware updates for display products with BrightSign built-in.
BCN-17488: Fixed an issue where the "Duration on Screen" text was not properly aligned.
BCN-17496: Fixed an issue where the Display tab in the DWS incorrectly showed cached information while the display is off. If the display is off, the only option should be for the use to turn the display on. Once the display is on, player information can be displayed.
BCN-17500: Fixed an issue where the map controls were not formatted properly and overlapped with other visual elements.
BCN-17518: Fixed an issue where Admin > “Sign up for your bsn.Content trial” was not being correctly displayed. It should appear in Networks which have not used the free trial and should not appear in Networks where the free trial has already been used.
BCN-17521: Corrected the definitions for player status (Healthy, Idle, and Inactive). Updated localization for all new / modified text (last localization was Sep 2024).
BCN-17532: Fixed an issue where the "Player Properties Disabled" icon did not display properly.
BCN-17546: Fixed an issue where the app would crash when the user session expired.
BCN-17593: Disabled "Switch to presentation" and gray it out when in Advanced commands in a State as this is not valid in States; it is only valid in Events.
BCN-17663: Fixed an issue where certain Publishing Modes were not able to be selected.
1.49.1 (Nov 26, 2024)
Download: Mac (.dmg), Win (.exe)
Bug Fixes
BCN-17415: Fixed an issue where the Presentation tab was not visible for bsn.Control users, preventing the ability to author presentations locally.
1.49.0 (Nov 25, 2024)
Download: Mac (.dmg), Win (.exe)
BCN-17239: Improve wording / terminology of some menu items.
Bug Fixes
BCN-17203: Fixed an issue where an unnecessary horizontal scrollbar would appear under "Use password to update USB content" in the Player Setup screen.
BCN-17204: Fixed an issue where the Dashboard menu would be cut off and thus not be fully visible on the New Presentation screen.
BCN-17206: Fixed an issue where the highlighting of folders in the Library is not properly centered with the text.
BCN-17230: Fixed an issue where scroll bars would fail to appear when the Network drop-down menu had too many items to fit on the screen.
BCN-17232: Fixed an issue where the key is shown for the Content Library instead of the key value.
BCN-17241: Fixed an issue where user sign-in would sometimes not work properly due to ad blockers and/or network policies.
BCN-17244: Fixed an issue where signing in with the Chrome browser would result in a fatal error.
BCN-17286: Fixed an issue where it was not possible to change any of the settings in the Network Options > Player form.
BCN-17304: Fixed an issue where a full-screen confirmation window would appear upon sign-out that would prevent the user from navigating away from it.
1.47.2 (Oct 17, 2024)
Download: Mac (.dmg), Win (.exe)
BCN-570: Added support for Local Playlists.
BCN-15729: Added a notes icon next to states which have a note attached as well as a tool tip to reveal the note when the user hovers over the icon.
BCN-15926: Previously, the “Add Zone” button was only available in the Presentation > Layout screen but not available in the Presentation > Content screen. It is now also available in the Presentation > Content screen.
BCN-16904: Added a "Contact Orders" button to the subscription section of the Dashboard. This button is only visible to administrators.
BCN-16997 / BCN-16998: The setting for Local / has been redesigned to better help users understand these modes. The toggle switch has been replaced with a drop-down menu and contains more descriptive text describing these modes.
BCN-16998: The setting for Interactive presentations has been redesigned to better help users understand the two presentation types. The toggle switch has been replaced with a drop-down menu describing the two presentation types. “Interactive” presentations are now known as “Advanced” presentations. “Non-interactive” presentations are now known as “Simple” presentations.
BCN-16749: The primary tabs (i.e., Dashboard, Content, Presentation, etc.) have been updated to a more modern look and feel.
BCN-17020: Improved the layout of the Subscription Usage card.
BCN-17116: Previously, the Subscription Usage card on the Dashboard would only be displayed when the user is logged into a bsn.Content network. It now is also displayed when the user is logged into a bsn.Control network.
BCN-17146: The Dashboard > Network Status menu item as well as the Network Status icon on the Dashboard are now hidden for bsn.Control networks.
BCN-17186: Changed to BSN.Cloud throughout the UI.
Bug Fixes
BCN-15379: Fixed an issue where opening a presentation would result in the presentation failing to load and a continuous “Saving” message.
BCN-15459: BrightAuthor:connected now remembers and maintains the last used media folder when the user moves between the main tabs (i.e., Dashboard, Content, Presentation, etc.).
BCN-15546: Fixed an issue where the “Add User” button on the User Management page runs off the interface window.
BCN-16792: Fixed an issue on Windows where the error “Another instance of BrightAuthor:connected is already running” would display. This would occur when the user attempted to launch the app after closing the app when the app is on the loading screen.
BCN-16989: Fixed an issue where icons would disappear when panels are popped out / detached from the main window.
BCN-17016: Do not show the 'Network Status' section on the Dashboard when the user is not signed in to
BCN-17123: Fixed a formatting issue with the Presentation > Library > Open icon.
BCN-17138: Fixed an issue where a Clock Zone would fail to display on screen.
BCN-17159: Fixed an issue where the delete / trash can icon was not displaying under Schedule > Destination > Networked Players.
1.44.0 (Sep 18, 2024)
Download: Mac (.dmg), Win (.exe)
BCN-16772: Updated the graphic for the 30-day bsn.Content (formerly Content Cloud) free trial.
BCN-16855: The ability to "Enable Native Chromium video playback" is now available for all video-capable Series 5 players.
Bug Fixes
BCN-16780: Fixed an issue where the screen layouts are not evenly spaced and in some cases, overlap each other.
BCN-16578: Fixed an issue where duplicating a Live Feed item in Live Text results in a Fatal Error.
BCN-16816: Fixed an issue where GPS events were not working properly.
BCN-16881: Fixed an issue where adding video content to existing presentations would result in the error "An error occurred while adding states to the playlist".
1.42.0 (Aug 07, 2024)
Download: Mac (.dmg), Win (.exe)
BCN-16395: Modified the Live Text UI to provide improved clarity regarding the positioning of new items.
BCN-16517: Updated the landing page to reflect BrightSign’s current branding.
BCN-15698: Added a search capability to the Log tab of the DWS and rDWS.
BCN-15796: When creating presentations with multi-screen outputs on Series 5 Players with multiple HDMI outputs, Force Resolution is now set to ON as a mandatory default.
BCN-15871: BrightAuthor:connected’s version number is now included in the filename of the CSV file generated from player information in the Network tab.
BCN-16664: The Network Status indicator on the Dashboard has been modernized to improve the user experience.
BCN-16672: The layout of the Dashboard tiles has been modernized to improve the user experience.
BCN-16675: The maintenance page has been updated to provide better clarity as to the times of the maintenance window.
BCN-16677: The terminology used in Network > Filter Players > Status was inconsistent with what was displayed in the Player List. This terminology is now consistent.
BCN-16691: Activating the free trial of bsn.Content (formerly Content Cloud) no longer requires a password.
BCN-16738: Renamed Control Cloud and Content Cloud to bsn.Control and bsn.Content, respectively.
BCN-16741: Updated the splash screen (the screen that displays during application launch).
Bug Fixes
BCN-12463: Fixed a fatal error that occurred when selecting Delete more than once on a Live Text widget item.
BCN-14733: Fixed a crash that occurred if the user attempted to close the app while the initial launch screen is being displayed.
BCN-15629: Fixed an issue where the Subscription Information card on the Dashboard would trigger a large number of unnecessary Main API calls.
BCN-16387: (XT2145) Fixed an issue at 3840x2160 resolution where the portion of the image zone that crosses the screen boundary from one HDMI output to another HDMI output does not render.
BCN-16488, BCN-16610: Fixed an issue related to OAuth2 Token renewal which would cause authentication to fail.
BCN-16505: Fixed an issue where an invalid Tags value would result in the inability to move media files in the Content Library.
BCN-16599: Fixed an issue where certain API requests would result in an error.
BCN-16665: Fixed a typo with the EAP-TLS Certificate under Setup > Network Configuration > Network Options > Wireless. PKSC#12 was corrected to PKCS#12.
BCN-16693: Fixed an issue in which an error would result when trying to publish a presentation containing GPS events.
1.37.1 (Jun 10, 2024)
Download: Mac (.dmg), Win (.exe)
New Features
BCN-16078: The new Network tab interface, formerly in Beta, is now the default.
BCN-15600: User Events have been added, and User Events can now be imported or exported (for example, from BrightAuthor classic)
Added translations in all languages for recent UI changes
BCN-15834: Zone Types were renamed to: Video, Image, or Audio; Video Only; Image Only
BCN-16296: Added information in the DWS > Control tab to clarify what Reprovision does
Bug Fixes
BCN-15543: Tags added to media files are now saved correctly after being changed.
BCN-16177: Removed unnecessary information from interface in Admin > Setup > Player Settings > Remote Screenshot
BCN-16249: In Admin > Setup, the “ option is now “Content Cloud” and “Enable” is now “Enable Control Cloud or Content Cloud”. The broken Information link has also been fixed.
BCN-16374: In the remote DWS “BrightSignOS Update” section, the OS update option now says “Update” instead of “Reprovision”.
BCN-16409: Fixed a crash in the new (Beta) Network Tab that occurred when the user tries to select any Group when they only have permissions to view Players and Groups.
1.32.0 (Mar 13, 2024)
Download: Mac (.dmg), Win (.exe)
New Features
BCN-11951: Added a GPS event so users can change digital signage content based on geographic location (geofencing), as they could in BrightAuthor classic.
BCN-15649: When a state is selected in an interactive zone, users can now enter a note for the state in the property panel.
BCN-14751: Apple arrow Home and End of line keys now work in text fields
BCN-14721: Added support for both <any> or <*> for USB events through "Assign Input to variable" and "Assign wildcard to variable" check boxes
BCN-15397: Improved the UI of the EDID window in the DWS
BCN-15668: “Offset Next” information in the Presentation section is now hidden unless the checkbox is selected.
BCN-15696: Updated description for Active, Setup, and Provision in the Admin tab to avoid confusion
BCN-15703: Improved the Layers in the Presentation edit page when an item is selected by replacing “Add Item” with “Add item” and “Duplicate item”, and offset checkboxes for each.
BCN-15765: Improved the Live Text Widget by replacing the layer move icons with layer numbers that reflect the layer ordering, and created move direction icons to the left of the numbers.
Bug Fixes
BCN-15245: Property Lock will now be disabled shortly after setup is complete to let the user make changes to player properties instead of remaining enabled after setup.
BCN-15472: Updated the splash screen image to remove inappropriate branding
BCN-15541: Changed the Expand all/Collapse all buttons in the Beta Network tab from uppercase to uppercase/lowercase
BCN-15677: The autorun now supports BMAP product peripherals on Series 5 devices.
BCN-15696: Updated descriptions in the Admin tab
BCN-15704: Fixed the messages on the Lock/Unlock User pop-up notification
BCN-15764: Deselecting “Status” in the DWS visible columns dropdown now hides the status column
BCN-15859: The autorun no longer crashes when using the BMAP RangeControl command
BCN-15908: Restored the ability of users to add 8K videos in XT245 presentations
1.27.1 (Dec 14, 2023)
Download: Mac (.dmg), Win (.exe)
BCN-14569: The Device Setup columns in the Setup Library of the Admin tab were reordered to prioritize the name and details of the setup package.
BCN-15418: When a player is selected in the Player List, the current presentation name associated with the player is now displayed in the Properties panel.
BCN-15443: Users can now expand or collapse all groups when viewing players by group in the Beta version of the Player List.
BCN-15450: Users can now drag and drop in the new Player List as they can in the current (non-Beta) Player List.
BCN-15466, BCN-15519, BCN-14665, BCN-13690: Added various localization and formatting improvements to the UI
Bug Fixes
BCN-13853: User variables are now available at the player_ip:8008 web page even if their values were left blank in the presentation.
BCN-15434, BCN-13558, BCN-15295: Fixed incorrect language in the application UI dialogs and an error message
BCN-15442: Fixed an error encountered when dragging and dropping a single item between player groups, which caused the error to persist when a user tries to drag a new item
BCN-15472: Updated the splash screen image with the appropriate branding
BCN-15487: Fixed an issue in the current Network tab, when the application does not retrieve the next or previous Player List page if the user scrolls to the point where the list is truncated.
BCN-15488: Added the ability to filter players by health status in the Beta version of the Network
tabBCN-15514: "Scroll to load more" now reliably loads additional content in the Content and Presentation windows.
BCN-15520: Fixed a crash (introduced version 1.26.3) that occurred when reloading the Remote DWS SD tab
1.26.3 (Nov 30, 2023)
Download: Mac (.dmg), Win (.exe)
Please update your firewall rules to allow outgoing connections to all *
domains. This service is used by BrightAuthor:connected in v1.19.4 and beyond to notify customers about maintenance windows. If you do not allow this API, you will not receive messages about maintenance windows and will not be able to unlock new features in the future.
See LaunchDarkley’s Domain list — LaunchDarkly | Documentation and Public IP list — LaunchDarkly | Documentation pages for more information, as well as
New Features
BCN-9959: The new “Registry” tab in the DWS lets users view and edit a player’s registry.
BCN-15069: Users can now enable Telnet and SSH on their players through the Diagnostics tab of the DWS
BCN-15312: Dynamic subscription information is now available on the Dashboard (for example, the number of subscriptions available and in use)
BCN-15389: Users can now try features before they are released through the “Beta features” option under Admin > Preferences > User Interface. The current Beta contains the new Network tab layout and features.
“Local IP address” is now an option in the “Select table columns to view” pulldown menu in the DWS
BCN-3693: Serial numbers, IP addresses, and MAC addresses in Network, the DWS, and inProvisioncan now be copied for use elsewhere.
BCN-5822: SFN user login information is no longer visible in the JSON file.
BCN-14276: If the application is in a maintenance window when users try to log in, they will now get an alert.
BCN-14458: There is now a check to confirm whether or not to disable the password when users create a setup package, enable the DWS, and apply the setup package.
BCN-15026: Added a system variable for “Player Model Number"
BCN-15073: The remote Diagnostic Web Server now provides the full text EDID (similar to the ldws/edid.html)
BCN-15143: Added the ability to export the Network tab Player List information to a CSV file. The full list can be exported, or a filter can be used to export a selected part of the list.
BCN-15265: When exporting the Player List to a CSV file, each player row now also contains its Player Group.
BCN-15193, BCN-15083: Layout and language improvements in the DWS
BCN-15244: Users can now select a more verbose log level in the DWS, which will contain errors, warnings, app activity, and debug messages.
BCN-14821: Updated BrightAuthor:connected labels (for example, “Local File Networking” is now “Local Network” and “Simple File Networking” is now “Web Folder”)
BCN-15356, BCN-12628, BCN-13687: Improved the Simplified Chinese and Turkish translations and made other language-related updates and improvements
Bug Fixes
BCN-14970: Enabled the presentation autorun and setup script to handle encrypted SFN passwords
BCN-14977: Restored thumbnails in the Mac desktop application
BCN-15044: The "Rename As" text field (in the SD tab of the DWS) now works correctly for Series 5 players.
BCN-15059: Updated the autorun version number, which was not updated in the last release
BCN-15111: Fixed a crash that occurs when a user goes to the Schedule tab on certain
networksBCN-15135: The numeric text field now clears correctly when users attempt to delete text
BCN-15261: Fixed the file upload process so the reported percentage will not exceed 100%
BCN-15271: Fixed the asset upload UI to show the icon and file name in the same line
BCN-15291: Reduced the volume of information-only messages written to the browser console on logging startup. Errors will still be flagged as appropriate.
BCN-15316: Fixed an issue with the Chromium debug section in the DWS not displaying correctly in the latest release.
1.19.4 (Oct 5, 2023)
Download: Mac (.dmg), Win (.exe)
BCN-15239: Added LaunchDarkly to alert customers of maintenance windows and eventually reduce downtime
1.19.3 (Sep 18, 2023)
Download: Mac (.dmg), Win (.exe)
This is a hotfix for the BrightAuthor:connected 1.19.2 release.
Bug Fixes
BCN-14458: Fixed an edge case where the default DWS password is inaccessible to the user
1.19.2 (Sep 01, 2023)
Download: Mac (.dmg), Win (.exe)
New Features
BCN-14816: Added translations for five new languages:
Traditional Chinese
BCN-14969: Added support for JPEG and EC3 formats and extensions
BCN-14682: Updated synchronization so the sync manager can be used without the PTP domain (for example when syncing on a single XC5 player)
BCN-14814, 14989: Added a checkbox to the HTML5 State Properties called "Enable Native Chromium video playback" for XC5 players
BCN-14772: The title bar now displays the player model and the presentation name.
BCN-14828: Changed the language selection menu to use text rather than flag icons
BCN-14834: Improved the splash screen display
BCN-5696: Added the schedule name to the title bar so multiple schedules can be easily identified
BCN-14608: Changed the "Presentation" label to "Tree View" (this is visible when the “Presentation” view is open)
Bug Fixes
BCN-13487: Removed minimum OS information from the dialog box that appears after saving player setups to avoid confusion
BCN-14471, BCN-14458, BCN-14472: The default DWS password (the player’s serial number) will no longer be overridden when left blank. Users can now select one of three radio buttons in Admin > Player Setup > Player Settings > Player Configuration:
“Use default password” (the player serial number)
“Specify password” (the password will be reset to the password you input)
“Disable password” (when no password is required)
BCN-14781: Fixed a failure that occurs when zip files are uploaded through the remote DWS
BCN-14741: Ensured that all Series 5 player video modes are listed and removed those that are not supported on Series 5.
BCN-14762: Fixed a runtime error that occurs after publishing an HD5 presentation via LFN
1.16.0 (Jul 07, 2023)
Download: Mac (.dmg), Win (.exe)
BCN-13965: Added support for TrueType Collection (.ttc) format, which allows the use of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean character sets in presentations.
BCN-14726: Added new and improved German, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese and Simplified Chinese translations
BCN-14602: Enhanced the interface labels and language to improve usability and increase consistency. For example, “player” will now be used consistently instead of “device”, “Setup” will be used instead of “setup file”, “package” or “package file”, and player type naming will change from:
Local File Networking to Local Network
Simple File Networking to Web Folder
Partner Application to Partner App
Custom Application URL to App URL
BCN-11173: Streamlined and improved the opening screen language and graphics
Bug Fixes
BCN-11768, BCN-13375: Made the publish icon in the Presentation and Schedule tabs clickable
BCN-14576: Removed the bsdpui.dialog.addDeviceNameDescription label
BCN-14592: Changed all uppercase text to uppercase/lowercase text
BCN-14706: Fixed a fatal error that occurred when attempting to add a new user
BCN-14565: Removed all references to the “x-api-key” from the LDWS and RDWS so that going forward only digest authentication will be used for supervisor API authentication
BCN-14557, BCN-14558, BCN-10925, BCN-10823, BCN-10775: Made various improvements to roles and permissions to restore functionality. More improvements will come in future releases.
BCN-13733, 13734, 14000: (XT5) XT5 players have been added to the interface so users can select them for OS updates or when creating a presentation
BCN-14280: The position of the Assets/Widgets panel (in the Content tab) is now maintained even if the user clicks on another tab or resizes another panel
BCN-14289: Added a splash screen to welcome users, give feedback while the application is loading, and display the version number
BCN-14306: Changed the Schedule tab display to allow users to see the entire (24 hour) day
BCN-14420: Updated the interface to correct the HS125 and HS145 resolution capabilities and the number of video zones in the HS145 and LS445
Bug Fixes
BCN-12119: Ensured that the Mac version of the application will close on the first attempt
BCN-14045: Fixed the scaling on the GPIO Output event icons
BCN-14153: Fixed an infinite loop in the web application when uploading an empty asset
BCN-14255: Fixed a crash that occurs when users discard unsaved presentations while trying to sign out
BCN-14301: Fixed a bug that did not let users log in to import presentations
BCN-14500: (HS125) Removed unsupported output resolutions
New Features
BCN-13912, 14263, 14262: (XC5, XT5) Full resolution graphics are now optional, not the default, for output resolutions greater than 1920x1200
BCN-11173: Improved the Dashboard screen (including the network status and reloading process)
BCN-12511: Added “Assign input to variable” and “Assign wildcard to variable” support for Event Properties (in Zone Message)
BCN-12565: Fixed poor text wrapping when Local Network publishing is selected in the Schedule tab
BCN-13835: (XT5) One and two screen layouts are now available in the Screens tab for XT5 devices
Bug Fixes
BCN-6084: Fixed excessive CPU usage when loading content
BCN-6694: Deleted reason-phrase conditions that prevented successful responses in the web client
BCN-8578, 11954: Fixed a bug that occurs when uploading content to a folder that has a name containing one or multiple single quotes
BCN-9979, 14278: Fixed player activation failures that occur when the user is not the creator of the default setup package
BCN-13991: Fixed a reboot loop which is triggered when an interactive event sends a UDP command from a Dynamic Playlist widget.
BCN-14024: Ensured that dialog boxes do not disappear unexpectedly
BCN-14261, 14034: Fixed an autorun crash in presentations that invoke the videomode plugin
BCN-14271: Fixed a bug that causes deleted tags to reappear
BCN-14344: Fixed an endless loop that occurs if many large files are uploaded simultaneously
BCN-14460: Fixed a reboot loop that occurs when publishing a presentation that enables enhanced synchronization
BCN-8667: The Control Cloud network can now add users as an Administrator or as a General Manager
BCN-14183: Removed the Screens tab from the presentation creation UI for all non-multiscreen Series 5 players. This ensures parity with the upscaling behavior on older players.
BCN-12409: Ensured that when media is replaced, the new media name does not overwrite the state name
Bug Fixes
BCN-14119: (XD5) Ensured that video can be added to a presentation
BCN-13972: Ensured that content and device tags on media items can be removed
BCN-14178: (XD5, XT5, HD5) Ensured that GPIO appears as an option in presentation authoring
BCN-9445, 8781: Ensured that deleted HTML sites do not persist when creating and saving presentation images, videos or HTML sites
BCN-13487: Fixed the confusing warning message about the minimum OS version