
This object stores objects in a continuous array of memory locations. Since an roArray contains BrightScript components, and there are object wrappers for most intrinsic data types, entries can either be different types or all of the same type. 

Object Creation: The roArray object is created with two parameters. 

CreateObject("roArray", size As Integer, resize As Boolean)
  • size: The initial number of entries allocated for the array.

  • resize: If true, the array will be resized larger to accommodate more entries if needed. If the array is large, this process might take some time.


The DIM statement may be used instead of the CreateObject() function to create a new array. The DIM statement can be advantageous because it automatically creates array-of-array structures for multi-dimensional arrays. 


Peek() As Dynamic

Returns the last (highest index) array entry without removing it.

Pop() As Dynamic

Returns the last (highest index) entry and removes it from the array.

Push(entry As Dynamic)

Adds a new highest-index entry to the end of the array.

Shift() As Dynamic

Removes index zero from the array and shifts all other entries down by one unit.

Unshift(entry As Dynamic)

Adds a new index zero to the array and shifts all other entries up by one unit.

Delete(index As Integer) As Boolean

Deletes the indicated array entry and shifts all above entries down by one unit.

Count() As Integer

Returns the length of the array (i.e. the index of the highest entry in the array plus one).


Deletes every entry in the array.

Append(array As roArray)

Appends one roArray to another. If the passed roArray contains entries that were never set to a value, they are not appended.

The two appended objects must be of the same type. 



Resets the position to the first element of enumeration.

Next() As Dynamic

Returns a typed value at the current position and increments the position.

IsNext() As Boolean

Returns True if there is a next element.

IsEmpty() As Boolean

Returns True if there is not an exact statement.


GetEntry(index As Integer) As Dynamic

Returns an array entry of a given index. Entries start at zero. If the entry at the specified index has not been set, this method will return Invalid.


SetEntry(a As Integer, b As Dynamic)

Sets an entry of a given index to the passed type value.