roInt, roFloat, roString
The intrinsic types Int32
, Float
, and String
have object and interface equivalents. These are useful in the following situations:
An object is needed instead of a typed value (e.g. the roList object maintains a list of objects). When a function that expects a BrightScript object as a parameter is passed an integer, float, or string, BrightScript automatically creates the equivalent object.
If any object exposes the ifInt, ifFloat, or ifString interfaces, that object can be used in any expression that expects a typed value. For example, an roVideoEvent can be used as an integer with a value representing the event ID.
Integer Operations
If "o" is of type roInt, then these statements will have the following effects:
print o
: Prints the value ofo.GetInt()
: Assigns the integeri%
the value ofo.GetInt().
: Presumablyk
is automatically typed, so it becomes another reference to the roInto.
: This is NOT the same aso.SetInt(5)
. Instead it releaseso
, changes the type ofo
to roINT32 (o
is automatically typed), and assigns it to 5.
roInt contains the ifInt interface, which provides the following:
GetInt() As Integer
Returns the integer value of the object.
SetInt(value As Integer) As Void
Sets the integer value of the object.
roInt also contains the ifIntOps interface, which provides the following:
ToStr() As String
Returns the integer value as a string. A space is not appended to the front for positive numbers.
roFloat contains the ifFloat interface, which provides the following:
GetFloat() As Float
Returns the float value of the object.
SetFloat(value As Float) As Void
Sets the float value of the object.
roString contains the ifString interface, which provides the following:
GetString() As String
Returns the string value of the object.
SetString(value As String) As Void
Sets the string value of the object.
roString also contains the ifStringOps interface, which provides the following:
Some global functions offer the same functionality as ifStringOps methods. The function indexes of ifStringOps methods start at zero, while those of global functions start at one.
SetString(str As String, str_len As Integer)
Sets the string value of the object using the specified string and string-length values. This is similar to the SetSeting()
method, which does not accept a parameter for string length.
AppendString(str As String, str_len As Integer)
Appends to the string value of the object using the specified string and string-length values. This method modifies itself—this can cause unexpected results when you pass an intrinsic string type, rather than a string object.
print x 'will print 'string'
print y 'will print 'stringddd'
Len() As Integer
Returns the number of characters in a string.
GetEntityEncode() As String
Returns the string with certain characters replaced with HTML entity encoding sequences:
Character | Replaced with |
" (double quote) | " |
' (single quote) | ' |
< | < |
> | > |
& | & |
Tokenize(delim As String) As roList
Splits a string into substrings using the specified delimiter character(s). The delim
parameter can contain one or more characters to treat as delimiters. If the string object contains multiple contiguous delimiters, they will be treated as a single delimiter. This method returns the substrings as an roList object; the delimiters are not returned with the substrings.
BrightScript> s = "one&&two"
BrightScript> print s.Tokenize("&")
Trim() As String
Returns the string with any leading and trailing whitespace characters (e.g. TAB, LF, CR, VT, FF, NO-BREAK SPACE) removed.
ToInt() As Integer
Returns the value of the string as an integer number.
ToFloat() As Float
Returns the value of the string as a floating point number.
Left(n As Integer) As String
Returns the first n
characters of the string.
Right(n As Integer) As String
Returns the last n
characters of the string.
Mid(start_index As Integer) As String
Returns a subset of the string that begins at the zero-based start_index
and terminates at the end of the string.
Mid(start_index As Integer, n As Integer) As String
Returns a subset of the string, beginning at the zero-based start_index
and consisting of n
characters. If the string contains fewer than n
characters after the specified start_index
, this method will return all characters after the start_index
Instr(substring As String) As Integer
Returns the zero-based index of the first occurence of the substring in the string. If the substring does not occur in the string, this method returns -1.
Instr(start_index As Integer, substring As String) As Integer
Returns the zero-based index of the first occurence of the substring after the specified start_index
in the string. If the substring does not occur after the specified start_index
, this method returns -1.
is also offered as a global function (note that the string index of the global function starts at 1).
BrightScript> o=CreateObject("roInt")
BrightScript> o.SetInt(555)
BrightScript> print o
BrightScript> print o.GetInt()
BrightScript> print o-55
An integer value of 5 is converted to type roInt automatically because the AddTail()
method expects a BrightScript object as its parameter:
Here the ListDir()
method returns an roList object containing roString objects: