bsn.Content (formerly Content Cloud)

bsn.Content (formerly Content Cloud)

Free Trial

You can access bsn.Content through our free 30-day trial. After the trial, you can subscribe to bsn.Content for $139 per player, per year, or simply let the trial expire where you’ll be reverted to the free bsn.Control service. With bsn.Control, you'll still be able to control your players remotely, but you'll lose access to the BSN.cloud hosting and publishing tools along with any content and presentations you saved to the cloud during the trial.


The BrightAuthor:connected desktop app, available for both Mac and Windows, enables access to bsn.Content. In addition to providing the ability to easily set up and manage BrightSign players, BrightAuthor:connected also enables users to create, schedule, and publish presentations, all from a single, integrated user interface. For those who prefer not to use a desktop app, all of this functionality is also accessible via a web browser at https://bsn.cloud.

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