Player Entity (2022/06)

All player entities are structured as follows:


  • Id int read-only:  A unique identifier for the device instance

  • Serial string read-only: The device serial number 

  • Model string read-only: The model name and suffix (see Player Models Enumeration (2022/06))

  • Family PlayerFamily read-only: The model family of the device (see Player Family Enumeration (2022/06))

  • RegistrationDate DateTime read-only: A UTC timestamp indicating when the player instance was registered. See DateTime for more information about this data type.

  • LastModifiedDate DateTime read-only: A UTC timestamp indicating when the player instance was last modified. See DateTime for more information about this data type.

  • Settings PlayerSettings read-write: Returns the Player Settings Entity

  • Status PlayerFullStatus read-only: Returns the Player Full Status Entity

  • Subscription PlayerSubscription read-only: Returns the Player Subscription Entity

  • TaggedGroups TaggedGroupInfo[] read-only:

    • Id int read-only: The unique identifier for the tagged group

    • Name string read-only: The name of the tagged group

  • Tags Dictionary<string, string> read-write: An object where the tag keys are object properties and the tag values are the values of these properties. See the example below but note that the value is not necessarily "Country", "City", and "Number", but can be any object property value:

    • string::[Device].<Country>: "Ukraine"

    • string::[Device].<City>: "Odesa"

    • number::[Device].<Number>: "1"

  • Permissions Permission[] read-write: The device permissions entity. See the Permission Entity.