Player Settings Entity (2022/06)

Player Settings Entity (2022/06)

All player settings entities are structured as follows:


  • Name string read-write: The device name. The maximum length of this string is 128 characters.

  • Description string read-write: A customer-defined description of the device. The description does not need to be unique within the scope of the account.

  • ConcatNameAndSerial bool read-write:  The device-naming method: True indicates that clients should append the device serial number to the device name, False indicates that nothing should be appended to the device name.

  • SetupType DeviceSetupType read-onlyEither "Standalone", "BSN", "LFN", "SFN",  "PartnerApplication", or "Unknown"

  • Group GroupInfo

    • Id int read-write: The unique identifier for the group instance to which the device belongs.

    • Name string read-write: The name of the group instance to which the device belongs

  • BrightWall BrightWallScreenInfo: 

    • Id Nullable<int> read-writeA unique identifier for the BrightWall

    • Name string read-write: The BrightWall name

    • Screen byte read-writeThe BrightWall screen number to which the device is assigned

    • Link Uri read-writeThe Uri of the BSN.cloud API for the BrightWall

  • Timezone string read-writeThe time zone of the player

  • Screen DeviceScreenSettings

    • IdleColor string read-writeThe AARRGGBB color code for the idle screen

    • SplashUrl Uri read-writeThe Uri address for the splash screen

  • Synchronization PlayerSynchronizationSettings read-write: The Player Synchronization Settings Entity

  • Network PlayerNetworkSettings read-write: The Player Network Settings Entity

  • Beacons DeviceBeacon[] read-write: An array of Device Beacons entities

  • Location DeviceLocation

    • PlaceId string read-writeThe textual identifier of the device location

    • GPSLatitude Nullable<double> read-writeThe latitude of the device location

    • GPSLongitude Nullable<double> read-writeThe longitude of the device location

    • Country string read-writeThe country in which the device is located (for example, "Germany")

    • CountryLongName string read-writeThe full name of the country in which the device is located (for example, "Federal Republic of Germany")

    • AdminAreaLevel1 string read-writeThe largest subnational administrative unit of a country (for example, "state" in the USA and "prefecture" in Japan) in which the device is located

    • AdminAreaLevel1LongName string read-writeThe full name of the largest subnational administrative unit of a country in which the device is located

    • AdminAreaLevel2 string read-writeThe county name (within the United States), or a second-order civil entity below adminAreaLevel1, in which the device is located. 

    • AdminAreaLevel2LongName string read-writeThe full county name (within the United States), or the full name of the second-order civil entity below adminAreaLevel1, in which the device is located.

    • Locality string read-writeThe name of the city, town, or rural area in which the device is located

    • LocalityLongName string read-writeThe full name of the city, town, or rural area in which the device is located

    • Path string read-onlyThe path property of the location structure. This value is the result of the concatenation of Country, AdminAreaLevel1, AdminAreaLevel2, and Locality.

    • PathLongName string read-onlyThe path property of the location structure. This value is the result of the concatenation of CountryLongName, AdminAreaLevel1LongName, AdminAreaLevel2LongName, and LocalityLongName.

  • Screenshots PlayerScreenshotsSettings: 

    • Interval TimeSpan read-write: How often the player should take a snapshot of the presentation display. See TimeSpan for more information about this data type.

    • CountLimit ushort read-writeHow many images can be stored on the local storage of the player (the maximum is 100 images)

    • Quality byte read-writeThe quality level of each image file

    • Orientation ScreenOrientation read-write: One of "Unknown", "Landscape", "PortraitBottomLeft", or "PortraitBottomRight"

  • Logging DeviceLogsSettings

    • EnableDiagnosticLog bool read-write: Whether or not diagnostic logging is enabled on the associated device

    • EnableEventLog bool read-writeWhether or not event logging is enabled on the associated device

    • EnablePlaybackLog bool read-writeWhether or not playback logging is enabled on the associated device

    • EnableStateLog bool read-writeWhether or not state logging is enabled on the associated device

    • EnableVariableLog bool read-writeWhether or not variable logging is enabled on the associated device

    • UploadAtBoot bool read-write:  Whether logs will be uploaded when the device boots

    • UploadTime Nullable<TimeSpan> read-writeThe time when the device will upload logs to BSN.cloud, if available. See TimeSpan for more information about this data type.

  • LWS LocalWebServerSettings

    • Username string read-write: The local web server username (for example, "admin")

    • Password string read-write:  The local web server password

    • EnableUpdateNotifications bool read-write: Whether or not enable update notifications is enabled

  • LDWS DiagnosticWebServerSettings

    • Password string read-write: The password associated with the local diagnostic web server

  • LastModifiedDate DateTime read-only: The date on which the settings were last modified. See DateTime for more information about this data type.

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