Player Full Status Entity (2020/10)

All player full status entities are structured as follows:


  • Group GroupInfo: 

    • Id int: The unique identifier for the group

    • Name string: The name of the group

  • BrightWall BrightWallScreenInfo: 

    • Id Nullable<int>: A unique identifier for the BrightWall

    • Name string: The BrightWall name

    • Screen byte: The BrightWall screen number to which the device is assigned

    • Link Uri: The Uri of the API for the BrightWall

  • Presentation PresentationInfo: An array of Presentation Info entities for each presentation on the device

  • Script PlayerScript: 

    • Type ScriptType: "Setup", "Autorun", "Recovery" or "Custom" enumeration values

    • Version string: The BrightSignOS version

    • Plugins ScriptPluginInfo[]: 

      • FileName string: The plugin .brs file name for the device instance

      • [uint] FileSize: The size of the file in bytes

      • FileHash string: The 40 digits hexadecimal SHA-1 hash of the file

  • Firmware FirmwareInfo: 

    • Version string: The BrightSignOS version running on the player

  • Storage StorageStatus[]: See the Storage Status Entity

  • Network PlayerNetworkStatus: 

    • ExternalIp string: An IPv4 or IPv6 address 

  • Uptime TimeSpan: The length of time that the player has been running. See TimeSpan for more information about this data type.

  • CurrentSettingsTimestamp DateTime: The date and time. See DateTime for more information about this data type.

  • CurrentScheduleTimestamp DateTime: The date and time of the current schedule. See DateTime for more information about this data type.

  • Timezone string: The time zone of the player

  • Health PlayerHealthStatus: Returns either "Normal", "Warning", "Error", or "Unknown"

  • LastModifiedDate Nullable<DateTime>:

  • Synchronization PlayerSynchronizationStatus: Supported representations include:

    • Settings PlayerSettingsSynchronizationStatus: 

      • Enabled bool: Whether or not the player settings synchronization status is enabled

    • Schedule PlayerScheduleSynchronizationStatus: 

      • Enabled bool: Whether or not the player schedule synchronization status is enabled

    • Content PlayerContentSynchronizationStatus: 

      • Enabled bool: Whether or not the player content synchronization status is enabled