ScreenShot Entity (2020/10)

All screenshot entities are structured as follows:


  • Id int:  A unique identifier for the device screenshot instance

  • Device DeviceInfo: 

    • Id int: A unique identifier for the device instance

    • Serial string: The serial number of the device

  • GroupName string: The name of the group to which the player belongs

  • PresentationName string: The name of the presentation

  • UTCTimestamp DateTime: A UTC timestamp indicating when the screenshot was taken on the player. See DateTime for more information about this data type.

  • LocalTimestamp DateTime: A timestamp indicating the local time (as it is specified in the player settings) when the screenshot was taken on the player. See DateTime for more information about this data type.

  • Width short: The width of the screenshot image (in pixels)

  • Height short: The height of the screenshot image (in pixels)

  • FilePath string: The location of the image file in the server directory

  • FileSize int: The size of the image file in the server directory

  • ThumbPath string: The location of the image thumbnail in the server directory