Player Beacon Entity (2020/10)

Player Beacon Entity (2020/10)

The player beacon entity follows one of the structures below, depending on the type of interface (see Mode):


  • Name string read-write: The name of the player beacons entity. The maximum length of this string is 255 characters.

  • Mode PlayerBeaconMode read-only: "iBeacon"

  • Major ushort read-write: An integer specifying the 2-byte Major value (0 to 65535)

  • Minor ushort read-write: An integer specifying the 2-byte Minor value (0 to 65535)

  • UUID GUID read-write: A string representation of a UUID, which can be in 16-bit, 32-bit, or 128-bit format. A 16-bit UUID must be exactly four hex digits with no punctuation; a 32-bit UUID must be exactly eight hex digits with no punctuation; and a 128-bit UUID must be punctuated exactly as follows: "cd7b6f81-f738-4cad-aebf-d2a2ea36d996".

  • Power short read-write: An integer value that corresponds to the measurement of the Tx power level (in dBm) at 0 meters. 


  • Name string read-write: The name of the player beacons entity. The maximum length of this string is 255 characters.

  • Mode PlayerBeaconMode read-only: "EddystoneUid"

  • NamespaceID byte[] read-write: A BASE64-encoded 10-byte value expressed as 20 hexadecimal digits

  • InstanceID byte[] read-write: A BASE64-encoded 6-byte value expressed as 12 hexadecimal digits

  • Power short read-write: An integer value that corresponds to the measurement of the Tx power level (in dBm) at 0 meters. 


  • Name string read-write: The name of the player beacons entity. The maximum length of this string is 255 characters.

  • Mode PlayerBeaconMode read-only: "EddystoneUrl"

  • URL URL read-write: The URL to encapsulate in the advertisement packet. 

  • Power short read-write: An integer value that corresponds to the measurement of the Tx power level (in dBm) at 0 meters. 

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