Player Synchronization Settings Entity (2022/06)

Player Synchronization Settings Entity (2022/06)

All player synchronization settings entities are structured as follows:


  • Status PlayerStatusSynchronizationSettings read-write

    • Period TimeSpan read-writeThe frequency of the status updates that the player sends to the server. Currently, the value is five minutes for all players.

  • Settings PlayerSettingsSynchronizationSettings read-write

    • Period TimeSpan read-write: The frequency of the synchronization settings updates that the player sends to and receives from the server, to ensure that it hasn’t missed an update from the server

  • Schedule PlayerScheduleSynchronizationSettings read-write:

    • Period TimeSpan read-write: Players with "BSN" setup type only use this to check for missed updates of scheduled content

  • Content PlayerContentSynchronizationSettings read-write:

    • Start TimeSpan read-write:  Defines the time of the day when the player is allowed to download content (to avoid network impacts). See TimeSpan for more information about this data type.

    • End TimeSpan read-write:  Defines time of the day when the player is allowed to download content (to avoid network impacts). See TimeSpan for more information about this data type.