Media RSS Feeds

Caching Multiple Feeds

If you are using multiple MRSS feeds with BrightAuthor:connected, multiple feeds will be cached as long as the MRSS .xml file includes the size of the files being downloaded.

If you have several MRSS feeds in the same zone and you change from one MRSS feed to another, the first feed will not be purged so long as the sizes are included for the downloaded files. 

Restricting the Pool of Cached Files

Media files that are no longer referenced by the MRSS feed(s) will remain on the storage until all available space is filled. The system will then begin removing files that are no longer referenced to make room for new MRSS content.

If you want to ensure that free space is left on the card for other purposes, BrightAuthor:connected allows you to define the maximum size allotted to dynamic data (MRSS feeds and Dynamic Playlists).

To specify a dynamic data pool size:

  1. Go to Admin > Preferences > Storage 

  2. Select the Enable Limit Storage box (see the image below).

  3. Choose whether to restrict the Dynamic Data pool by either Absolute (absolute size in MB) or by Percent (the percentage of the total storage). When this pool is filled with cached MRSS files, the system will begin deleting files that are no longer referenced by the MRSS feed(s). HDR data, HLG, and other HDMI® capabilities are not passed through or ingested.

The EDID that the BrightSign player advertises on the HDMI input claims 4K support for platforms which support 4K video output and have a 4K capable display attached. If the display doesn't support 4K or the platform doesn't support 4K video output, then the EDID reports modes only up to 1920x1080x60p. The EDIDs used as the basis for this can be found in the sys: drive on the players with the filenames default-edid.bin and default-4k-edid.bin. By default they report that the BrightSign player only supports stereo PCM audio. This is so that by default any audio coming in over the HDMI input can be mixed with audio from local playback. However, the values can be altered using roVideoMode’s ConfigureHdmiInput function which adjusts the EDID.

Screenshot 2024-02-28 at 1.34.55 PM.png

Controlling Image Duration

You can control the length of time each image plays by editing the media RSS feed file.  For example, the script below sets the duration to 10 seconds In the <media> tag for an image in a MRSS feed file. The fileSize (in bytes) of each media file must be included to avoid multiple downloads of the same file even when it hasn't changed.

<item> <title>image1</title> <link></link> <category>image</category> <description>image1 is the best</description> <guid isPermaLink="false">0624</guid> <media:content url="" fileSize="255817" type="image/jpeg" duration="10"/> </item>