Create and Edit Groups in the BSN Web UI

Create and Edit Groups in the BSN Web UI

The BrightSign Network WebUI supports full management of groups. Select the Groups tab to perform any of the following tasks:

Create/Delete Groups

  • To create a new group, select Add Group and enter the appropriate information in the Create Group window.

  • To delete a group, select Properties beside a group. In the Group Properties window, select Delete. All players that are part of that group will be moved to the "Unassigned" group.

View Players and Move Players Between Groups

  • Click the arrow beside a group name to view a list of all players within the group.

  • To move a player to a different group, click the player in the list, click Move Device To…, and select a new group for the player.

  • You can also drag and drop players between groups.

View Group Statuses

The status of all groups is displayed beside each group in the list. The group status is a combination of the statuses of all players in the group:

View Active Presentations in Groups

A drop down list of all active presentations is displayed beside each group in the Groups tab. If you want to view all presentation schedules within a group, click the properties for the corresponding group, and click the Presentations tab in the Group Properties window. Here, you can view a list of all presentations and their scheduled times. Use the calendar to filter by date.

Publish Presentation Schedules to Groups

To add a new presentation to a group, click the arrow beside the appropriate group, click Add Presentation, and create a schedule in the Schedule Presentation window. See this FAQ to learn more about creating schedules.

Edit Presentation Schedules

To edit presentation schedules, click Properties for a particular group. In the Group Properties window, click the Presentations tab, hover your mouse pointer over a presentation, click Edit, and adjust the schedule.