


This object places a clock on the screen. It has construction arguments only.

Object Creation: The roClockWidget object is created with several parameters.

CreateObject("roClockWidget", rect As roRectangle, res As roResourceManager, display_type As Integer)
  • rect: The rectangle in which the clock is displayed. The widget picks a font based on the size of the rectangle.

  • res: A resources.txt file that allows localization via the roResourceManager object (see below for further details).

  • display_type: Use 0 for date only, and 1 for clock only. To show both on the screen, you need to create two widgets.


rect=CreateObject("roRectangle", 0, 0, 300, 60) res=CreateObject("roResourceManager", "resources.txt") c=CreateObject("roClockWidget", rect, res, 1) c.Show()

The resource manager is passed into the widget, which uses the following resources within the resources.txt file to display the time and date correctly. Here are the "eng" entries:

[CLOCK_DATE_FORMAT] eng "%A, %B %e, %Y" [CLOCK_TIME_FORMAT] eng "%l:%M" [CLOCK_TIME_AM] eng "AM" [CLOCK_TIME_PM] eng "PM" [CLOCK_DATE_SHORT_MONTH] eng "Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec" [CLOCK_DATE_LONG_MONTH] eng "January|February|March|April|May|June|July|August|September|October|November|December" [CLOCK_DATE_SHORT_DAY] eng "Sun|Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat" [CLOCK_DATE_LONG_DAY] eng "Sunday|Monday|Tuesday|Wednesday|Thursday|Friday|Saturday"


Control Characters

The following are the control characters for the date/time format strings:


SetForegroundColor(color As Integer) As Boolean

Sets the foreground color in ARGB format. Hex color values should be converted to integers before being passed to this method (e.g. the value &hFFFFFFFF should be passed as 4294967295). You can use the HexToInteger() method (available in the core library extension) to convert a hex string to an integer.

SetBackgroundColor(color As Integer) As Boolean

Sets the background color in ARGB format. Hex color values should be converted to integers before being passed to this method (e.g. the value &hFFFFFFFF should be passed as 4294967295). You can use the HexToInteger() method (available in the core library extension) to convert a hex string to an integer.

The top 8 bits of the SetForegroundColor() and SetBGackgroundColor() values are "alpha" parameters. Zero is equivalent to fully transparent and 255 to fully non-transparent. This feature allows for effects similar to subtitles. For example, you can create a semi-transparent black box containing text over video.

SetFont(font_filename As String) As Boolean

Sets the font_filename using a TrueType font (for example, SD:/Arial.ttf).

SetBackgroundBitmap(bitmap_filename As String, stretch As Boolean) As Boolean

Sets the background bitmap image. If stretch is True, then the image is stretched to the size of the window.

SetBackgroundBitmap(parameters As roAssociativeArray, stretch As Boolean) As Boolean

Sets the background bitmap image. If stretch is True, then the image is stretched to the size of the window. The associative array can contain the following parameters:

  • Filename: The name of the image file

  • EncryptionAlgorithm: The file-encryption algorithm. Currently the options are "AesCtr" and "AesCtrHmac".

  • EncryptionKey: The key to decrypt the image file. This is a byte array consisting of 128 bits of key, followed by 128 bits of IV.

See the Image Decryption section in the roImagePlayer entry for details on displaying encrypted images.


SetSafeTextRegion(region As roRectangle) As Boolean

Specifies the rectangle within the widget where the text can be drawn safely.

Show() As Boolean

Displays the widget. After creation, the widget is hidden until Show() is called.

Hide() As Boolean

Hides the widget.

Raise() As Void

Sends the widget to the top of the z-order on the graphics plane (i.e. in front of all other surfaces that implement the ifWidget interface). By default, new widgets are placed at the top of the graphics z-order.

Some surfaces are always drawn at the top of the graphics z-order, including the mouse cursor, closed captions, and scrolling tickers.

Lower() As Void

Sends the widget to the bottom of the z-order on the graphics plane (i.e. behind all other surfaces that implement the ifWidget interface). By default, new widgets are placed at the top of the graphics z-order.

GetFailureReason() As String

Yields additional useful information if a function return indicates an error.

SetRectangle(r As roRectangle) As Boolean

Changes the size and positioning of the widget rectangle using the passed roRectangle object.



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