


A text field represents an area of the screen that can contain arbitrary text. This feature is intended for presenting diagnostic and usage information. Use the roTextWidget object to generate text for user interfaces and signage.

Object Creation: The object is created with several parameters:

CreateObject("roTextField", xpos As Integer, ypos As Integer, width_in_chars As Integer, height_in_chars As Integer, metadata As Object)
  • xpos: The horizontal coordinate for the top left of the text field.

  • ypos: The vertical coordinate for the top left of the text field. The top of the screen is equivalent to zero.

  • width_in_chars: The width of the text field in character cells.

  • height_in_chars: The height of the text field in character cells.

  • metadata: An optional roAssociativeArray containing extra parameters for the text field. You can pass zero if you do not require this.

The metadata associative array supports the following extra parameters:

  • "CharWidth": The width of each character cell in pixels.

  • "CharLength": The height of each character cell in pixels.

  • "BackgroundColor": The background color of the text field as an integer specifying eight bits (for each) for red, green and blue in the form &Hrrggbb.

  • "TextColor": The color of the text as an integer specifying eight bits (for each) for red, green and blue in the form &Hrrggbb.

  • "Size": An alternative to "CharWidth" and "CharLength" for specifying either normal size text (0) or double-sized text (1).

In TV modes, a border around the screen may not be displayed due to overscanning. You may want to use the roVideoMode object functions GetSafeX() and GetSafeY() to ensure that the coordinates you use will be visible.



Cls() As Void

Clears the text field.

GetWidth() As Integer

Returns the width of the text field

GetHeight() As Integer

Returns the height of the text field.

SetCursorPos(x As Integer, y As Integer) As Void

Moves the cursor to the specified position. Subsequent output will appear at this position.

GetValue() As Integer

Returns the value of the character currently under the cursor

Raise() As Void

Sends the widget to the top of the z-order on the graphics plane (i.e. in front of all other surfaces that implement the ifWidget interface). By default, new widgets are placed at the top of the graphics z-order.

Some surfaces are always drawn at the top of the graphics z-order, including the mouse cursor, closed captions, and scrolling tickers.


You can use the PauseGraphics()/ ResumeGraphics() methods on the roVideoMode object to ensure multiple changes to the graphics z-order occur simultaneously.

Lower() As Void

Sends the widget to the bottom of the z-order on the graphics plane (i.e. behind all other surfaces that implement the ifWidget interface). By default, new widgets are placed at the top of the graphics z-order.


SendByte(byte As Integer) As Void

Writes the character indicated by the specified number at the current cursor position within the text field. It then advances the cursor.

SendLine(string As String) As Void

Writes the characters specified at the current cursor position followed by the end-of-line sequence.

SendBlock(string As Dynamic) As Void

Writes the characters specified at the current cursor position and advances the cursor to one position beyond the last character. This method can support either a string or an roByteArray . If the block is a string, any null bytes will terminate the block.

SetSendEol(string As String) As Void

Sets the sequence sent at the end of a SendLine() value. You should leave this at the default ASCII value of 13 (Carriage Return) for normal use. If you need to change this value to another non-printing character, use the chr global function.

Printing a Text Field 

As with any object that implements the ifStreamSend interface, a text field can be written to using the PRINT #textfield syntax. See the example below for more details.

It is also possible to write to a text field using the syntax PRINT #textfield, @pos, where pos is the character position in the textfield. For example, if your textfield object has 8 columns and 3 rows, writing to position 17 writes to row 3, column 2 (positions 0-7 are in row 1; positions 8-15 are in row 2; and positions 16-23 are in the last row).

When output reaches the bottom of the text field, it will automatically scroll.

meta = CreateObject("roAssociativeArray") meta.AddReplace("CharWidth", 20) meta.AddReplace("CharLength", 32) meta.AddReplace("BackgroundColor", &H101010) ' Dark grey meta.AddReplace("TextColor", &Hffff00) ' Yellow vm = CreateObject("roVideoMode") tf = CreateObject("roTextField", vm.GetSafeX(), vm.GetSafeY(), 20, 20, meta) print #tf, "Hello World" tf.SetCursorPos(4, 10) print #tf, "World Hello"



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