

If an roMessagePort is attached to an roHtmlWidget, it will receive roHtmlWidgetEvent objects when something happens to the parent roHtmlWidget instance. 


SetUserData(user_data As Object)

Sets the user data that will be returned when events are raised.

GetUserData() As Object

Returns the user data that has previously been set via SetUserData(). It will return Invalid if no data has been set.


GetData() As roAssociativeArray

Returns the event data as an associative array with the following key/value pairs:

  • reason string: The cause of the event, which can be one of the following:

    • "load-started": The HTML widget has started loading a page.

    • "load-finished": The HTML widget completed loading a page.

    • "load-error": The HTML widget failed to load a page. Use the uri key to identify the failing resource and the message key to retrieve some explanatory text.

    • "download-request": The HTML widget instance has received a download request. The Chromium instance does not process download requests for MIME types it doesn't recognize (e.g. PDFs); instead, it passes this event, along with the mime-type and url parameters to the BrightScript autorun for processing.

    • "new-window-request": The HTML widget instance has received a request to open a URI in a new window. This request will normally come from HTML anchors with "target=_blank"/"target=_top" or the JavaScript Window.open() method. The requested URI is specified in the uri parameter.

  • javascript-dialog string: If the HTML widget instance has received a JavaScript alert, confirmation, etc., BrightScript will respond by calling the roHtmlWidget acceptdialog(responseasString) and rejectdialog() methods. See roHtmlWidget#roHtmlWidget.acceptdialog(responseasString). If no response is provided within one second, roHtmlWidget auto rejects the dialog attempt, and if these APIs are called when there is no dialog request on roHtmlWidget, they have no effect. This parameter was added in BOS 8.5.16.

  • message string: The message that the JavaScript dialog will display (applicable for reason:"javascript-dialog" only), or explanatory text related to the load failure (applicable for reason:"load-error" only). This property exists for multiple event types, but it has different meanings for different event types.

  • default_text string:  If a JavaScript prompt dialog asks the user to enter text, this default text will be displayed in the input field. This field will be empty for other dialog types (applicable for reason:"javascript-dialog" only). This parameter was added in BOS 8.5.16.

  • type int: The dialog type for the “javascript-dialog” event: either 0 for alert, 1 for confirm, 2 for prompt, 3 for an "onbeforeunload Event" (applicable for reason:"javascript-dialog" only). This parameter was added in BOS 8.5.16.

  • security_origin string: The security origin of the request (applicable for reason:"javascript-dialog" only). This parameter was added in BOS 8.5.16.

  • uri string: The URI of the failing resource or new-window request (applicable for reason:"load-error" or reason:"new-window-request")

  • mime-type string: The MIME type of the download request (applicable for reason:"download-request" only)

  • url string: The URL of the download request (applicable for reason:"download-request" only)


The following event loop waits for an HTML widget event. If the event indicates that a PDF download request has been received, the script passes the relevant data to a CreatePdfRenderer() function that is not defined here:

while true ev = wait(0, gaa.mp) print "=== BS: Received event ";type(ev) if type(ev) = "roHtmlWidgetEvent" then eventData = ev.GetData() if type(eventData) = "roAssociativeArray" and type(eventData.reason) = "roString" then if eventData.reason = "load-error" then print "=== BS: HTML load error: "; eventData.message else if eventData.reason = "load-finished" then print "=== BS: Received load finished" receivedLoadFinished = true else if eventData.reason = "message" then ' To use this: msgPort.PostBSMessage({text: "my message"}); else if eventData.reason = "load-started" then print "=== BS: Received load started" else if eventData.reason = "download-request" then print "=== BS: Received a download request" if eventData.mime_type = "application/pdf" then CreatePdfRenderer("file:///index.html?file=" + eventData.url) endif else print "======= UNHANDLED HTML EVENT =========" print eventData.reason endif else print "=== BS: Unknown eventData: "; type(eventData) endif endif endwhile


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