

This object supports receiving arbitrary Infrared remote control codes using the NEC and RC5 protocols. The JavaScript equivalent is BSIRReceiver.

Object Creation: The roIRReceiver object is created with an associative array.

CreateObject("roIRReceiver", config As roAssociativeArray)

The associative array can contain the following parameters:

  • source: A string value indicating the source of the input.

    • "IR-in": The 3.5mm IR input/output connector (available on 4Kx42 and XDx32 models)

    • "GPIO": Pin 1 of the GPIO connector

    • "Iguana": The Iguanaworks IR transceiver. This source can support both NEC and RC5 encodings simultaneously.

    • “tvcontroller” : This virtual IR driver is only available on BrightSign built-in products. It reads the IR messages from UART and drives the roIRReceiver object like other IR receivers. See the Examples section.

  • encodings: An array indicating the required encodings.

    • "NEC"

    • "RC5" (supported on the Iguanaworks IR transceiver only)

NEC codes are expressed in 24 bits:

  • Bits 0-7: Button code

  • Bits 8-23: Manufacturer code

If the manufacturer code is zero, then the code is considered to be intended for the Roku SoundBridge remote control.

The roIRReceiver object can generate the following events:

  • roIRDownEvent: Generates when a button is pressed.

  • roIRRepeatEvent: Generates when a button repeats.

  • roIRUpEvent (Iguanaworks IR transceiver only): Generates when a button is released



SetUserData(user_data As Object)

Sets the user data that will be returned when events are raised.

GetUserData() As Object

Returns the user data that has previously been set via SetUserData(). It will return Invalid if no data has been set.


SetPort(port As roMessagePort)

Specifies the port that will receive events generated by the roIRReceiver instance.


Connecting a USB-C port to an IR receiver

The LS424 is the only platform where IR input is supported on the Type C connector. Also, a special cable is required: either an adapter (3.5mm plug to 3.5mm socket crossover), or custom all-in-one cable (LiteOn PN 306300009327).

'2-3-23 - V1.12 Test IR input, output to system log Sub Main() scriptlog = CreateObject("roSystemLog") 'display messages in system log msgPort = CreateObject("roMessagePort") gpioPort = CreateObject("roGpioControlPort") gpioPort.SetPort(msgPort) configIR = CreateObject("roAssociativeArray") 'Built-in IR via usb c configIR.source = "TypeC" configIR.encodings = CreateObject("roArray", 1, false) configIR.encodings[0] = "NEC" IRRecep = CreateObject("roIRReceiver", configIR) if (type(IRRecep) = "roIRReceiver") then IRRecep.SetPort(msgPort) scriptlog.SendLine(" @@@@ Please press a button on remote control to display IR code... ") else if IRRecep = invalid then scriptlog.SendLine(" @@@@ IR receiver not detected, Please connect IR receiver and reboot player... ") end if Eventloop(msgport) End Sub Sub Eventloop(msgport as object) scriptlog = CreateObject("roSystemLog") 'display messages in system log while true event = wait(0, msgPort) scriptlog.SendLine("@@@@ Received event"+ type(event)) if (type(event) = "roIRDownEvent") then IrData$ = stri(event) scriptlog.SendLine(" @@@@ "+IrData$) end If End while end Sub


Creating a tvcontoller IR Receiver

configIR = CreateObject("roAssociativeArray") 'tvcontroller IR type configIR.source = "tvcontroller" configIR.encodings = CreateObject("roArray", 0, false) IRRecep = CreateObject("roIRReceiver", configIR)




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