Subscriptions Endpoints (2017/01)

Subscriptions Endpoints (2017/01)


These endpoints allow users to manage device subscriptions on a network. 

Base URL for these endpoints:  https://api.brightsignnetwork.com/2017/01/REST/Subscriptions

GET  /

Returns a list of subscriptions


marker  string

A value specifying which page to retrieve. This value is useful if the isTruncated entry in the response body of the previous GET call indicates that the number of presentations exceeds the pageSize.


pageSize  int

The maximum number of presentations that can be contained in the response body


Response Body

Returns a paged list of Device Subscription Entity instances on a network. This will return not more than 100 entities along with the information necessary to return any other remaining pages.



Activates subscription keys on a network

Request Body

key  string

The name of the subscription key (a token, that when activated, associates the key with subscriptions)


Response Body

Complete information about the subscriptions which have been successfully added to a network as the result of activation.


GET  /Operations/ 

Returns the operational permissions granted to roles for specific business operations

Response Body

Returns the Business Operations Entity