Presentations Endpoints (2017/01)

Presentations Endpoints (2017/01)

These endpoints allow for creation, modification, and retrieval of presentation objects.

Base URL for these endpoints:  https://api.brightsignnetwork.com/2017/01/REST/Presentations

GET  /

Retrieves a list of presentations on the network.


filter  string

An expression for filtering search results


sort  string

An expression for sorting the search results. The sort expression specifies the entry used for sorting and the ascending/descending (ASC/DESC) sorting order (e.g. "[Device].[Serial] ASC")


marker string

A value specifying which page to retrieve. This value is useful if the isTruncated entry in the response body of the previous GET call indicates that the number of presentations exceeds the pageSize.


pageSize int

The maximum number of presentations that can be contained in the response body


Response Body

Returns a paged list of Presentation Entity instances on a network. This will return not more than 100 entities along with the information necessary to return any other remaining pages.



Creates a new presentation on the network.

Request Body

The Presentation Entity 


Response Body

Returns a 201 status code and the new resource created and referenced by the Uri (given by the Location header field) in the response. The response includes the Presentation Entity .



Removes presentations, specified by a filter, from a network. This allows multiple presentations to be deleted at once.


filter  string

An expression for filtering search results


Response Body

Returns the number of affected presentations as an integer value.


GET  /Count/ 

Retrieves the number of presentations on the network matching the specified filter criteria. If no filter is included, this call returns the total number of presentations on the network. 


filter  string

An expression for filtering search results


Response Body

The presentation count is returned as an integer value.


GET  /Operations/ 

Returns the operational permissions granted to roles for specific business operations

Response Body

Returns the Business Operations Entity


GET  /{id:int}/ 

Returns the presentation instance with the specified id.


id int

A unique identifier for the presentation instance


Response Body

Returns the Presentation Entity 


PUT  /{id:int}/ 

Modifies the specified presentation instance. 


id int

A unique identifier for the presentation instance


Request Body

The Presentation Entity 


Response Body

On success this method returns a status code 2XX, on failure it returns a status code of 5XX.


DELETE  /{id:int}/ 

Removes the specified presentation from the network.


id int

A unique identifier for the presentation instance


Response Body

On success this method returns a status code 2XX, on failure it returns code 400 with an error message.


GET  /{name}/ 

Returns the presentation instance with the specified name.


name string

The name of the presentation instance


Response Body

Returns the Presentation Entity 


PUT /{name}/ 

Modifies the specified presentation instance. 


name string

The name of the presentation instance


Request Body

The Presentation Entity 


Response Body

On success this method returns a status code 2XX, on failure it returns a status code of 5XX.


DELETE  /{name}/ 

Removes the specified presentation from the network.


name string

The name of the presentation instance


Response Body

On success this method returns a status code 2XX, on failure it returns code 400 with an error message.


GET /{id:int}/Permissions/ 

Includes object permissions for a given presentation instance.


id int

A unique identifier for the presentation instance


Response Body

Returns the Permission Entity


POST  /{id:int}/Permissions/ 

Adds permissions for the specified presentation instance.


id int

A unique identifier for the presentation instance


Request Body

The Permission Entity


Response Body

On success this method returns a status code 2XX, on failure it returns a status code of 5XX.


DELETE  /{id:int}/Permissions/ 

Removes permissions for the specified presentation instance.


id int

A unique identifier for the presentation instance


Request Body

The Permission Entity


Response Body

On success this method returns a status code 2XX, on failure it returns a status code of 5XX.


GET  /{name}/Permissions/ 

Includes object permissions for a given presentation instance.


name string

The name of the presentation instance


Response Body

Returns the Permission Entity


POST  /{name}/Permissions/ 

Adds permissions for the specified presentation instance.


name string

The name of the presentation instance


Request Body

The Permission Entity


Response Body

On success this method returns a status code 2XX, on failure it returns a status code of 5XX.


DELETE  /{name}/Permissions/ 

Removes permissions for the specified presentation instance.


name string

The name of the presentation instance


Request Body

The Permission Entity


Response Body

On success this method returns a status code 2XX, on failure it returns a status code of 5XX.

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