Presentation Entity (2017/01)

Presentation Entity (2017/01)

All presentation entities are structured as follows:


Id int:  A unique identifier for the presentation instance

Name string:  The presentation name

CreationDate DateTime: A timestamp indicating when the file was created. See DateTime for more information about this data type.

LastModifiedDate DateTime: A timestamp indicating when the file was last modified. See DateTime for more information about this data type.

ProjectFile FileInfoCan be one of the following FileInfo elements: NewFile EntityRemoteFile Entity, or StoredFile Entity

Autorun DeviceAutorunInfo

Version stringThe current BrightAuthor:connected autorun version assigned to the device

IsCustom bool: Whether the autorun is a standard BrightAuthor:connected file (false) or a custom-built file (true)

DeviceWebPage DeviceWebPageInfo

Id int: The identifier for the device webpage

Name string: The name of the device webpage

DeviceModel DeviceModelThe target BrightSign player model for the presentation (for example, "HD223" or "LS423"). The DeviceModel value cannot be modified after a presentation instance is created

ScreenSettings ScreenSettingsAn array of values indicating the screen settings of the presentation. This entry can also be Null for player models that do not support video output (i.e. the LS322):

VideoMode VideoMode The supported video mode (for example, "4096x2160x60p")

Orientation ScreenOrientationOne of "Landscape", "PortraitBottomLeft", "PortraitBottomRight" or "Unknown"

Connector ConnectorType:  One of "VGA", "HDMI", or "Component"

BackgroundColor string The background color assigned to the screen

Overscan ScreenOverscan: One of "NoOverscan", "OverscanActionSafeArea", or "OverscanTitleSafeArea"

Language PresentationLanguageThe language of the ticker zone in simple presentations. This property currently has no effect on the operation of a presentation. The following are valid return values: "Unknown", "English", "French", "Italian", "German", "Spanish", "Swedish"

AutorunPlugins AutorunPlugin[]: The autorun plugin entity. See Autorun Plugin Entity.

Groups GroupInfo[]An array of Group object instances representing groups to which the presentation belongs:

Id intA unique identifier for the group object instance

Name stringThe name of the group object instance

Permissions List<Permission>An list of permission object instances representing permissions rules assigned to the presentation

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