Live Media Feed Entity (2017/01)

All live media feed entities are structured as follows:


Id int: The unique identifier for the live media feed entity

Name string: The name of the live media feed entity

TTL TimeSpan: The frequency with which players will query servers to determine if there is any new live media to include or exclude in the feed. 

PhysicalPath string: The location of the live media feed file in the server directory

FileSize long:  The size of the live media feed file (in bytes)

FileHash string: The hash value of the live media feed file

CreationDate DateTime: A timestamp indicating when the live media feed was created on See DateTime for more information about this data type.

LastModifiedDate DateTime: A timestamp indicating when the live media feed was last modified on See DateTime for more information about this data type.

Content LiveMediaFeedContent[]:

ContentId int:  The unique identifier and primary key of the associated content instance. This value can be set by either the client or the server.

FileName string:  The file name of the live media feed content

Title string: The key (that is, MRSS item title) of the associated media item in the related live media feed

Description string: The value (that is, MRSS item description) of the associated media item in the related live media feed

Disabled bool:  Whether or not the live media feed is disabled

DisplayDuration TimeSpan: The amount of time the content will be displayed before transitioning to the next entry. See TimeSpan for more information about this data type.

ValidityStartDate Nullable<DateTime>: The validity start date for the entry (that is, the point at which it will start being included in the live media feed). A null value specifies that the item is valid immediately when added to the live media feed. See DateTime for more information about this data type.

ValidityEndDate Nullable<DateTime>: The validity end date for the associated entry (that is, the point at which it will no longer be included in the live media feed).  A null value specifies that the item will be valid until it is removed from the live media feed manually by a user. See DateTime for more information about this data type.

CustomFields Dictionary<string, string>: An object containing key:value pairs. Each pair corresponds to a custom field associated with the media item in the MRSS file of the related live media feed.

Permissions List<Permission>: A list of permission object instances representing permissions rules assigned to the live media feed instance

Presentations PresentationInfo[]: An array of Presentation Info entities for each presentation associated with the live media feed instance