Presentation Entity (2017/01)

All presentation entities are structured as follows:


Id int:  A unique identifier for the presentation instance

Name string:  The presentation name

CreationDate DateTime: A timestamp indicating when the file was created. See DateTime for more information about this data type.

LastModifiedDate DateTime: A timestamp indicating when the file was last modified. See DateTime for more information about this data type.

ProjectFile FileInfo: Can be one of the following FileInfo elements: NewFile Entity, RemoteFile Entity, or StoredFile Entity

Autorun DeviceAutorunInfo: 

Version string: The current BrightAuthor:connected autorun version assigned to the device

IsCustom bool: Whether the autorun is a standard BrightAuthor:connected file (false) or a custom-built file (true)

DeviceWebPage DeviceWebPageInfo: 

Id int: The identifier for the device webpage

Name string: The name of the device webpage

DeviceModel DeviceModel: The target BrightSign player model for the presentation (for example, "HD223" or "LS423"). The DeviceModel value cannot be modified after a presentation instance is created

ScreenSettings ScreenSettings: An array of values indicating the screen settings of the presentation. This entry can also be Null for player models that do not support video output (i.e. the LS322):

VideoMode VideoMode:  The supported video mode (for example, "4096x2160x60p")

Orientation ScreenOrientation: One of "Landscape", "PortraitBottomLeft", "PortraitBottomRight" or "Unknown"

Connector ConnectorType:  One of "VGA", "HDMI", or "Component"

BackgroundColor string:  The background color assigned to the screen

Overscan ScreenOverscan: One of "NoOverscan", "OverscanActionSafeArea", or "OverscanTitleSafeArea"

Language PresentationLanguage: The language of the ticker zone in simple presentations. This property currently has no effect on the operation of a presentation. The following are valid return values: "Unknown", "English", "French", "Italian", "German", "Spanish", "Swedish"

AutorunPlugins AutorunPlugin[]: The autorun plugin entity. See Autorun Plugin Entity.

Groups GroupInfo[]: An array of Group object instances representing groups to which the presentation belongs:

Id int: A unique identifier for the group object instance

Name string: The name of the group object instance

Permissions List<Permission>: An list of permission object instances representing permissions rules assigned to the presentation