

If an roMessagePort is attached to an roNodeJs, it will receive roNodeJsEvent objects when something happens to the parent roNodeJs instance.


SetUserData(user_data As Object)
Sets the user data that will be returned when events are raised.

GetUserData() As Object
Returns the user data that has previously been set via SetUserData(). It will return Invalid if no data has been set.


GetData() As roAssociativeArray
Returns the event data as an associative array with the following key/value pairs:

  • reason string: The cause of the event, which can be one of the following:

    • process_exit: The nodeJs instance has exited.

    • message: The nodeJs instance has sent a message.

  • exit_code number:  This field is only present if the value of the reason field value is process_exit. It will return the exit code from the Node.js® process, as described at Process | Node.js v23.9.0 Documentation.  The exit_code field is only defined from OS 8.2 onwards. Note that the Node.js script could also use these codes for its own purposes. 

  • message string: If the reason field value is message, this field returns the contents of the message.


The following event loop waits for a nodeJs event and reports the events:

while true ev = wait(0, gaa.mp) print "=== BS: Received event ";type(ev) if type(ev) = "roNodeJsEvent" then eventData = ev.GetData() if type(eventData) = "roAssociativeArray" and type(eventData.reason) = "roString" then if eventData.reason = "process_exit" then print "=== BS: Node.js instance exited with code " ; eventData.exit_code else if eventData.reason = "message" then print "=== BS: Received message "; eventData.message ' To use this: msgPort.PostBSMessage({text: "my message"}); else print "======= UNHANDLED NODEJS EVENT =========" print eventData.reason endif else print "=== BS: Unknown eventData: "; type(eventData) endif endif endwhile


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