NewFile Entity (2022/06)

NewFile Entity (2022/06)

NewFile ('FileInfo.Type' property set to "New") is derived from the abstract 'FileInfo' structure, and is used to upload small files and for complete presentation creation or updates. See the example below (your values will vary for all but "type"):

{ "type": "New", // [string], structure data type visible only in JSON representation and used by de-serializer to determine expected property set of this object instance "name": "hello.txt", // [string] "size": 12, // [uint] "hash": "", // [string] "creationDate": null, // [DateTime] "lastModifiedDate": null, // [DateTime] "body": "SGVsbG8gV29ybGQh", // [string] "transferEncoding": "BASE64" // one of { "None", "BASE64" } enumeration values }