Players Region Entity (2022/06)

All players region entities are structured as follows:


  • Country string read-only:  The country where the device is located (for example, "Germany")

  • CountryLongName string read-only: The full name of the country in which the device is located (for example, "Federal Republic of Germany")

  • AdminAreaLevel1 string read-only: The largest subnational administrative unit of a country (for example, "state" in the USA and "prefecture" in Japan) in which the device is located

  • AdminAreaLevel1LongName string read-only: The full name of the largest subnational administrative unit of a country in which the device is located

  • AdminAreaLevel2 string read-only: The county name (within the United States), or a second-order civil entity below adminAreaLevel1, in which the device is located. 

  • AdminAreaLevel2LongName string read-only: The full county name (within the United States), or the full name of the second-order civil entity below adminAreaLevel1, in which the device is located.

  • Locality string read-only: The name of the city, town, or rural area in which the device is located

  • LocalityLongName string read-only: The full name of the city, town, or rural area in which the device is located

  • MinGPSLatitude Nullable<double> read-only:  The minimum GPS latitude (a coordinate which designates a rectangle on the map to indicate the current region)

  • MaxGPSLatitude Nullable<double> read-only: The maximum GPS latitude (a coordinate which designates a rectangle on the map to indicate the current region)

  • MinGPSLongitude Nullable<double> read-only: The minimum GPS longitude (a coordinate which designates a rectangle on the map to indicate the current region)

  • MaxGPSLongitude Nullable<double> read-only: The maximum GPS longitude (a coordinate which designates a rectangle on the map to indicate the current region)

  • DevicesCount int read-only: The number of players on the network

  • DevicesHealthStatus DeviceHealthStatus[] read-only: An aggregate of device status information. The array can contain the following string values: "Normal","Warning","Error", or "No Subscription". The presence of a value indicates that one or more devices is in that state.

  • LocationPath string read-only: Includes the parts of the returned path (country, province, city, etc.) that are common to all players in a location (for example, if you query all players in California, "United States" would be a common to all players).Â