

The Subscriptions page helps you keep track of players on the BSNEE instance. The BSNEE business model is based around charging users for subscriptions associated with their players. Each player must have a subscription to utilize the network, and each subscription is only valid for a set amount of time. When a subscription expires, the user must pay to renew his or her subscription.

Remember that subscriptions are allotted to a Network Administrator, not to individual users. A Network Administrator may have any number of users tied to his or her network, with any number of networked devices tied to each. Therefore, the amount of subscriptions you give to a Network Administrator is the sum of all devices that are owned by different users under (and including) that Network Administrator.

Subscription Types 

Each subscription has a unique number and a type. The subscription types are Grace, Demo, Monthly, Quarterly and Yearly. The expiration process begins on the day a player activates a subscription. 

Demo subscriptions last a year and can be given at the discretion of the System or Order Administrator.

Grace subscriptions are not manually created: When new players join the network, they automatically receive a Grace subscription that is valid for one month. This is useful for two reasons.

  1. Grace subscriptions inform you about new players: You’ll know when a new player joins the network when its Grace subscription shows up on the Subscriptions page. You’ll also be able to see the unique device label and the subscription creation date (i.e. when it was added to the network).

  2. Grace subscriptions ensure that a new player has a valid subscription so you don’t have to immediately locate a new player and create a subscription before it can function on the network.

Creating Subscriptions 

Click the Create Subscriptions button:

  • Invoice #: Assign an invoice number to the subscription.

  • Network: Select the network you want to associate with the subscription.

  • Type: Select the subscription type (see the previous section for more details).

  • Device: Select the device you want to associate with the subscription.

  • Count: Enter the number of subscriptions you want to generate. 

Click Create when you’re finished, or click Close if you want to cancel the creation process.

Searching Subscriptions

All subscriptions from every network are listed by default, but you can locate subscriptions by filtering the list. Use the Network dropdown list to locate subscriptions by network name. Filter results are organized alphabetically (A-Z) by network name and in ascending order by subscription number.

Viewing Subscriptions

There are several ways you can augment the Subscriptions page to make it easier to find the information you need:

  • Click # to organize the list by order number (lowest to highest).

  • Click I.N. to organize the list by invoice number (lowest to highest).

  • Click Device to organize the list alphabetically (A-Z) by device label.

  • Click Type to organize the list alphabetically (A-Z) by subscription type.

  • Click Status to organize the list alphabetically (A-Z) by subscription status.

  • Click Creation Date to organize the list chronologically (oldest to newest) by creation date.

  • Click Expire Date to organize the list chronologically (oldest to newest) by expiration date.


You can reverse any listing by clicking the heading a second time.

Click the Export Subscription List button next to the Network field to produce a log of all subscriptions on the network.

Check the Show Deleted Subscriptions box on the bottom-right corner of the page to view deleted subscriptions in the list. Deleted subscriptions are grayed out. You can click the icon below Delete to restore a deleted subscription.

Editing Subscriptions

You can change some of the settings listed on the Subscriptions page. Network names must be changed on the Networks page, and Subscription Numbers and Creation Dates cannot be modified. However, you can edit all other subscription settings.

Click the Edit icon in a subscription cell to make changes to any of the following values: the Device associated with the subscription, the subscription Type, the subscription Status, or the subscription Expire Date. You can delete the subscription entirely by clicking the Delete button next to the Edit button.


Changing the Status of a subscription to Pending Suspension begins an automated process that will suspend the subscription in 14 days. You can also set the Status to Suspended if you want to immediately suspend the subscription.

Generating Subscription Keys

The Automatic Subscription Keys button allows you to automatically generate Subscription codes. Network Administrators can use these codes to add subscriptions to their networks, thus reducing the workload of System and Order Administrators. The Subscription Keys list provides the following information:

  • Key: The subscription key, which is used by a player to subscribe to the network automatically or is manually added to a player subscription list by a Network Administrator.

  • Subscription: The invoice number of the subscription, as well as the number and type of subscriptions tied to the key.

  • Issue Date: The date that the key was issued to the Network Administrator.


You can use the Subscription Keys window to find, edit, and add subscription keys:

  1. Use the Status dropdown menu to filter the list of subscription keys.

  2. Find a subscription key by typing a portion of the key or its entirety into the Search field and clicking the button.

  3. Select Revoke next to a subscription key to suspend the subscriptions associated with the key.

  4. Under Key Recipient, choose one of the following:

    1. Existing Network: Sends the subscription key(s) to the Email address that was specified during the network creation process.

    2. Purchaser Email: Sends the subscription key(s) to the specified Email address.

  5. Specify a Second Email to send the subscription key(s) to a second Email address. A new user associated with this Email address will be created on the new/existing network.

  6. Specify the Activation Restriction setting for subscription keys:

    1. Any: The subscription key(s) can be activated using either the WebUI or SOAP API calls.

    2. WebUI Only: The subscription key(s) can be activated via the WebUI only.

    3. API Only: The subscription key(s) can be activated using SOAP API calls only.

  7. In the Keys Count field, specify the number of keys to generate and send in the Email.

  8. Under Subscriptions, specify the following:

    1. Count: Enter the number of subscriptions to assign to the generated key.

    2. Type: Use the dropdown menu to choose the subscription type.

    3. I.N.: Enter an invoice number to associate with the key.

  9. Click the Create button to generate and send the key(s). Click Close to cancel the creation process.

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