This object allows you to generate a variety of message digests. The JavaScript equivalent is the Node.js Crypto API.
Object Creation: The hashing algorithm is specified when creating the roHashGenerator object.
CreateObject("roHashGenerator", algorithm As String)
The algorithm parameter accepts the following strings:
CRC32 is only available on firmware versions 4.4.x or later.
Hash(obj As Object) As Object
Hashes the payload, which can be supplied in the form of a string (or any object implementing ifString) or an roByteArray. The hash is returned as an roByteArray.
SetHmacKey(key As Dynamic) As Boolean
Supplies a cryptographic key for the hashing function. This method accepts a plain-text key.
SetObfuscatedHmacKey(key As String) As Boolean
Supplies a cryptographic key for the hashing function. This method accepts a key that is obfuscated using a shared secret.
GetFailureReason() As String