


This object is created by calling the CreateStatement() method on an roSqliteDatabase object. The JavaScript equivalent is to use the IndexedDB.


All bind methods return True upon success.

BindByName(associative_array As Object) As Boolean

Binds the SQL variable(s) using the names contained in the SQL statement.

BindByOffset(associative_array/enumerable As Object) As Boolean

Binds the SQL variable(s) using the index contained in the SQL statement. If passed an associative array, this method will convert the keys of the associative array into numeric offsets when binding. If passed an enumerable object (e.g. roArray), it will bind the values of the enumerable in the order that they are stored.

BindText(variable/index As Object, value As String) As Boolean

Binds the SQL variable indicated by the name or index parameter to the passed string value.

BindInteger(variable/index As Object, value As Integer) As Boolean

Binds the SQL variable indicated by the name or index parameter to the passed integer value.

Run() As Integer

Runs the SQL statement immediately and waits for the integer result. The following are possible integer result codes:

  • 100: Statement complete

  • 101: Busy

  • 102: Rows available

RunBackground() As Integer

Runs the SQL statement in the background. You can use roSqliteDatabase.SetPort() to set a message port that will receive an roSqliteEvent message at a later point. The RunBackground() call will result in an integer transaction ID, which will appear in the roSqliteEvent message that matches the transaction.

GetData() As Object

Returns an associative array of name/value pairs that are available after a SELECT (or similar) operation.


Finalizes the statement. This method should be applied to statements before the parent database is closed. The object should not be used after this method is called. Also note that objects are automatically finalized when they are deleted.


The following script inserts into a table using the BindByName() method:

insertStmt = db.CreateStatement("INSERT INTO playback (md5,path,playback_count) VALUES(:md5_param,:path_param,:pc_param);") print insertStmt if type(insertStmt) <> "roSqliteStatement" then print "We didn't get a statement returned!!" end endif params = { md5_param: "ABDEF12346", path_param: "/foo/bar/bing/bong", pc_param: 11 } bindResult = insertStmt.BindByName(params) if bindResult print "BindByName OK" else print "BindByName FAILED" end endif sqlResult = insertStmt.Run() print sqlResult if sqlResult = SQLITE_COMPLETE print "Table Insertion OK" else print "Table Insertion FAILED" endif insertStmt.Finalise()

The following script inserts into a table in the background:

' This examples assume you have set a message port on your roSqliteDatabase instance ' insertStmt = db.CreateStatement("INSERT INTO playback (md5,path,playback_count) VALUES(:md5_param,:path_param,:pc_param);") print insertStmt if type(insertStmt) <> "roSqliteStatement" then print "We didn't get a statement returned!!" end endif params = { md5_param: "ABDEF12348", path_param: "/foo/bar/bing/bong", pc_param: 13 } bindResult = insertStmt.BindByName(params) if bindResult print "BindByName OK" else print "BindByName FAILED" end endif expectedId = insertStmt.RunBackground() e = mp.WaitMessage(10000) if e <> invalid then if type(e) = "roSqliteEvent" then transId = e.GetTransactionId() sqlResult = e.GetSqlResult() print transId print sqlResult if transId <> expectedId then print "Incorrect transaction Id" end endif if sqlResult <> SQLITE_COMPLETE then print "SQL Insertion Failed" end endif else print "RunBackground() - Wrong event - FAILED" end endif else print "RunBackground() - No Response - FAILED" end endif ' You don't need to call Finalise() since that'll be done by the background processor.

The following script queries from a table:

selectStmt = db.CreateStatement("SELECT * FROM playback;") if type(selectStmt) <> "roSqliteStatement" then print "We didn't get a statement returned!!" end endif sqlResult = selectStmt.Run() print sqlResult while sqlResult = SQLITE_ROWS resultsData = selectStmt.GetData() print resultsData; sqlResult = selectStmt.Run() end while selectStmt.Finalise()







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