


This is the main SQLite object that "owns" the database. You can create as many of these objects as you need. The JavaScript equivalent is to use the IndexedDB.


Open(path As String) As Boolean

Opens an existing database file. This method returns True upon success.

Create(path As String) As Boolean

Creates a new, empty database file. This method returns True upon success.

Passing ":memory:" to this method creates a database in non-persistent storage. This is useful for high-volume database applications that might cause wear issues on an SD card. 


Closes an open database.

CreateStatement(sql_text As String) As Object

Creates a new roSqliteStatement object using the specified SQL string.

RunBackground(sql_text As String, associative_array As Object) As Integer

Runs the specified SQL statement in the background and binds variables using the passed roAssociativeArray.

SetMemoryLimit(limit As Integer)

Sets the "soft" memory limit under which SQLite will attempt to remain (see the SQLite documentation for details).

The SetMemoryLimit() method sets global parameters. It must, therefore, be called before any other calls are made on the database object.



SetPort(port As roMessagePort)

Posts messages of type roSqliteEvent  to the attached message port.


Creating a database:

db = CreateObject("roSqliteDatabase") print db openResult = db.Create("SD:/test.db") if openResult print "Created OK" else print "Creation FAILED" end endif


Creating a table in a database:

createStmt = db.CreateStatement("CREATE TABLE playback (md5 text PRIMARY KEY, path PATH, playback_count INT);") print createStmt if type(createStmt) <> "roSqliteStatement" then print "We didn't get a statement returned!!" end endif sqlResult = createStmt.Run() print sqlResult if sqlResult = SQLITE_COMPLETE print "Table Created OK" else print "Table Creation FAILED" endif createStmt.Finalise()