This object provides roStorageAttached messages when storage devices appear and roStorageDetached messages when storage devices disappear. An roStorageAttached event is not delivered until the filesystem is mounted. The JavaScript equivalent is Node.js
There is currently no way to poll for media.
Object Creation: The roStorageHotplug object is created with no parameters.
GetStorages() as Object
Returns an ordered array of strings where each string is a drive specifier where the OS will look for an autorun script. For example: [ "USB1:/", "SD:/", "SD2:/", "SSD:/" ]
. Note that note all drive specifiers may be present or even possibly present on the particular player.
GetStorageStatus(drive As String) As roAssociativeArray
Returns the current status of a storage device ("SD:", "SSD:", "USB:"), even if it is not mounted. This method returns an associative array containing the following:
Key | Value Type | Description |
| Boolean | Indicates whether the specified device is present. |
| Boolean | Indicates whether the specified device is mounted. |
| Boolean | Indicates whether the specified device is believed to be corrupt. |
| Boolean | Indicates whether the specified device is currently being checked. |
The results of the GetStorageStatus()
method are unreliable when called with a "USBn:" parameter, where "n" is a positive integer indicating a USB storage device when multiple USB devices are connected to the player.
status = CreateObject("roStorageHotplug").GetStorageStatus("SSD:")
if not status.mounted and not status.checking and status.present then
' Should ask for confirmation here
end if
GetFailureReason() As String
Returns additional diagnostic information if a method returns False.
SetUserData(user_data As Object)
Sets the user data that will be returned when events are raised.
GetUserData() As Object
Returns the user data that has previously been set via SetUserData(). It will return Invalid if no data has been set.
SetPort(port As roMessagePort)
Posts messages of type roStorageAttached and roStorageDetached to the attached message port.
In order to avoid race conditions at startup, you should check for any storage devices that might have existed prior to the message port being set. We recommend doing this after the object is created and the message port is set, but before instructing the script to wait for any events.
Sub Main()
mp = CreateObject("roMessagePort")
sh = CreateObject("roStorageHotplug")
gpio = CreateObject("roControlPort", "brightsign")
finished = false
while not finished
ev = mp.WaitMessage(0)
if type(ev) = "roControlDown"
finished = true
else if type(ev) = "roStorageAttached"
print "ATTACHED "; ev.GetString()
else if type(ev) = "roStorageDetached"
print "DETACHED "; ev.GetString()
print type(ev)
end if
end while
End Sub