ScreenShot Entity (2020/10)

ScreenShot Entity (2020/10)

All screenshot entities are structured as follows:


  • Id int:  A unique identifier for the device screenshot instance

  • Device DeviceInfo: 

    • Id intA unique identifier for the device instance

    • Serial string: The serial number of the device

  • GroupName stringThe name of the BSN.cloud group to which the player belongs

  • PresentationName string: The name of the presentation

  • UTCTimestamp DateTimeA UTC timestamp indicating when the screenshot was taken on the player. See DateTime for more information about this data type.

  • LocalTimestamp DateTimeA timestamp indicating the local time (as it is specified in the player settings) when the screenshot was taken on the player. See DateTime for more information about this data type.

  • Width short: The width of the screenshot image (in pixels)

  • Height short: The height of the screenshot image (in pixels)

  • FilePath stringThe location of the image file in the server directory

  • FileSize int: The size of the image file in the server directory

  • ThumbPath string: The location of the image thumbnail in the server directory

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